Saturday, May 7, 2011

Origin of Myths

Myths have been around since the beginning of time. It originated with the Greeks account of creation and covers subjects from origins of civilizations, heros, customs and most any other imaginable subject. It has served as an excellent form for passing down history, and customs form one generation to the next; was one of the earliest forms of childrens literature.

In the beginning there was a period of Chaos, when air, water, and matter were combined in a formless mixture. On this floated a Cosmic Egg, from which there arose Gaea (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). These deities created the earth and its creatures and the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

The study of such is known as mythology. Where one studies a body or collection of Myths belonging to a people addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes, or Myths associated with an event, individual, or institution

Myths origins have became even more prevalent and proved invaluable as an instrument in promoting and perpetuating religions, folkways and mores as civilizations evolved into more complex and intellectual forms; in primitive times in preserving a nations or peoples history and passing it down from one generation to the next.

In conclusion then we might purpose that it is from the study of humanities difference and similarities whether it be their cultures, how they view themselves or govern themselves that Myths not only originated, they perpetuated.

Writing has become a habit which gets more enjoyable with each article submitted.

Author:: Ed Shettlemore
Keywords:: Myths, Etertainment, origin of Myths, history of creation,
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