Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anne and Christy Want Open Borders in the United States

While all of us are arguing over illegal immigration, enforcement of law, fences and check-point at our border Anne and Christy are discussing a future world with no borders anywhere in the world. You know wouldnt that be something indeed.

Call me a believer in the human race, as bad as the reality is sometimes, I see the possibilities. It is a doable dream. We need to get everyone on the same page and celebrate all those little differences. Instead we use differences to label and human groupings often call something different a name and call that different thing evil and use that enemy to build their team. This is human throw back trait we need to dump; perhaps it served us well in getting here.

It is time to move the human race forward and ditch the primate politics for another better way. Indeed the world is not perfect although should continually strive for such. We should have been better in taking our hemisphere under our wing and teaching and mentoring t he rest how to best build stability in the flows of their civilizations. But we all know how tough such things can be, well anyone who is a parent understands for sure.

Actually I have given this a lot of thought and have some ideas on how to get this done, borrowed some ideas, observed some, built a company using some and have come to the conclusion it really is possible. So Christy, where as some may tell you that you are a delusional and hopeful dreamer, I on the other hand hear you loud and clear. I know we can do it, if we really set out to get it done. Indeed Anne, yes it is not an over night proposition and yes Rome was not built in a day and uniting the world is no easy task. Maybe our near term plan should be to secure and protect our borders, but the long-term plan should be to have none? Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Want Open Borders in the United States
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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