Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tip and Tear He Taught Somthing Rare

Once, I was having coffee in Hotel, aprox 12-year-old boy with bright face & pleasent eyes entered in the Hotel and sat at a table near to me. A waitress came & served a glass of water and boy asked

How much is an Mango Ice cream?

15 Rupees, replied the waitress.

The boy had a sip of water & checked out the sum in pocket and asked again, Well, how much for a plain cup of ice cream? waitress was growing impatient because more customers are waiting for table.

10 rupees, she bluntly replied.

The little boy again counted his coins and said, I'll have the plain ice cream

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she was cleaning the table, There were, neatly kept near the empty dish, 3 rupees & 50 paise. You see, he don't want to have the mango ice cream, because he wanted to save enough to leave h er a tip.

I just realized, apart form his tip, the sense of caring for people at the age of 12. waitress cried because she got the moral, my eyes were wide open because I sense that moral & ultimate intentions of his visions.

It's very true, to handle yourself use your mind and to handle others use your heart.

That day it was tip and tears - what he taught was very rare; i.e. the way to Care.

About Author : Nilesh Gore :
Professionally author is graphologist & psychological counselor, founder of braindynamic.com & involved in Personality Assessment, personality Development, helping people managing their strengths & weaknesses through expensive SWOT analysis and personality tests.He is also working on Graphotherapy i.e. managing emotional health via handwriting. He has also written several articles for several websites. you can contact him on following addresses.

Email : ng411002@rediffmail.com
Web : http://www.brai ndynamic.com
Country : India, Bhusaval, Ms
Copyrights : Nilesh B Gore

Author:: Nilesh Gore
Keywords:: Ice Cream, Hotel, Nilesh Gore, Care, Relationship, Graphology, Handwriting Analysis, Saniya
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