Sunday, May 29, 2011

AntiUS World Media is Just BS

We often have been reading lately that the United States is not very nice in the world. Of course they do not mention our generosity around the world and gifts. They do not mention promoting freedom or even funding the United Nations. No sir, they say things like the United States is an evil empire and such ridiculous lies and I have some thing to say about that really.

Hey wait a minute. This is the greatest nation in the world to live in. People are breaking in just to live here. We also give more to the world monetarily as well, sure because we can, but that does not negate the fact we do and big time.

Still the negative World Media will say we act like a Queen Bee making all other nations bow to our demands? Interesting comment but also remember it is the queen bee also moves the hive to separate and swarm to start a completely new colony and is the leader of that new direction.

Hey this is a super duper wonderful place to live, a giving people who ca re, a powerful nation, yes that too and rich beyond the imagination, indeed. Ever stopped to think that the United States is that way for a reason?

And consumers, yes we over do ourselves and some have larger mid sections to prove that point of contention indeed. However all in all, I am very happy to be an American, where the water is clean and clear, food is plentiful and freedom abounds. It is such a wonderful country in every regard and we should never knock, those who live here know that. Those of us who have traveled as you too have know of its amenities.

We Americans have done a good job, we should be thankful and the world should be thankful for our gifts and before any one puts out a world media hit on the US to try to change that perception they should be thinking of the ramifications. What if America's heart and money flow stops due to name-calling and poisonous remarks in world media? That would not be a good thing, but it could easily happen and prot ectionism is so easy when a populations masses form into them or us mob mentality and have the freedom to vote their minds. We need to be thinking here.

The United States is the greatest nation in the history of the human species. And quite frankly if you want to change nation with civilization you could do that too and run back up to 10,000 years of written recorded history, still the statement remains. Now what we do with it from here on out is up to us and the next periods generation, however, if I were a betting man, I think I would want the US as a friend and a partner, because their population cares and the US has plentiful abundance of resources with the Republic's generosity and hands extended. That is all I am saying. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Anti-US, World Media, Just BS
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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