Saturday, May 14, 2011

Communism Is On The March

Many have said that Democracy is on the march and we now have 126 countries in the world; nearly half which have a democracy style of government. Decades the prior we were all worried about Beehive Syndrome and Communism, as the Domino Affect was to be prevented at all costs, including US countrymen and soldiers blood. But today we see a new trend towards socialism and communism in South America and one would have thought in watching all the national successes due to Democracy that indeed this would continue.

However, today we see Bolivia, conveniently stealing foreign business and taking over gas and oil companies in their country. Refusing to honor contract renewal arrangements and spitting in the face of capitalism, one of the main components of their economies strengths and of their Democracy. Why? Have we failed to show the best side of Democracy or are those entrusted by the people too short sided to see the benefits for the leadership and the whole of the peop le?

Are communism style dictatorships on the March in South and Central America? Is Democracy fading away and those nations who ditch this gift of freedom, liberty and rule for the people and by the people doomed to repeat the fall of past civilizations of mankind in this Hemisphere? Is the leader of Bolivia, busy taking advice from Castro, Red China, Venezuela? If so, doesnt the USA need to send out Video Tapes, manuals, visual presentations to all these nations to educate them on the reality of the flows of civilization and why Democracy is the best long term choice?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Communism is On The March
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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