Saturday, May 28, 2011

Famous Psychics Elizabeth Baron

In this article we're going to visit with a Psychic who is still alive and predicting today. Her name is Elizabeth Baron.

Elizabeth Baron was born in Tennessee. She was an orphan as her father shot himself right in front of her when she was just 5 years old. During that same period she successfully won her fight with cancer, a tumor under her tongue, by laying her hands on local ministers in her neighborhood. At least that's how legend has it. Supposedly, it was during this time that she got her gift of being able to look into the future.

Her mother died when she was a very young child and after than Baron was bounced around between 15 different foster homes as she was growing up. She has said many times that all the pain she suffered during those years was God's gift to her in that it made her have compassion and empathy for others and prepared her to become the medium that she has become today. It is said that she can lay down on a couch, go into a dee p sleep and give messages to up to 150 people at one time in her sleep.

After she graduated Crandall Business College with honors, her first job was working for the director of military personnel at the 14th air force. After that she worked for the Deputy Base Commander at Robbins Air Force Base as a secretary. While she was there she worked with prisoners of war from Germany. She also did schematics for the Jupiter space program that sent the first missile into orbit.

She moved to Chicago, Illinois at a very young age and took a job where she eventually became Assistant Advertising Manager for a private brand hosiery manufacturer. While she was there she met with executives from many magazines such as Vogue and Town and Country to try to get advertising for her company's products. Eventually, with her husband who was a war hero, she opened up her own search firm and became President and CEO of two firms for 14 years where she oversaw 35 employees, most of w hich had masters degrees.

However, it wasn't until a bitter divorce and being beaten half to death in a gang rape that her life really changed. While she was hospitalized after the attack, a spirit in white, who she believed to be God, came to her and said, Come upon the mountain with me. It is time to do your mission. Remember, you gave your life to me when you were 13 years old. It turns out that when she was 13 years old she gave her life to God, asking him if she could be one of his missionaries for life. At first she told the spirit that she wasn't worthy but the spirit told her to let him decide if she was worthy or not.

The rest, as they say, is history. From that point she began teaching and counseling people all over the world. Today she works with people from TV executives to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and is one of the most respected Psychics in the world.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Psychics

Author:: Michael Ru ssell
Keywords:: Psychic,Paranormal,Elizabeth Baron
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