Monday, April 30, 2012

Moving African American Students Past Stuck Point

What causes disproportionate numbers of minority students to become stuck and refrain from taking a seat at the table of opportunity granted them by schools? Dr.John Ogbu, noted scholar, after an extensive survey-based research, shed some light on the working-class, minority, and female youth resistance to school (Ogbu, 1991,1994). Ogbu observed a notable disparity in the school performance of students belonging to different minority groups. He noted a distinct relationship betw een the level of student performance and the prevailing ideology relating to achievement, also a definite discontinuity between the students home and school cultures. He claimed that African American youths fail in schools because of deeply historical and pervading societal factors. Ogbu referred to this group as involuntary minorities because historically, they had no choice in their minority and subjugated status. He reasoned that the way involuntary youths understand their place in the American social order dashes their hopes of advancement and opportunity.

When African American youths observe the inequitable distribution of social rewards in society- inferior housing,inferior education, limited and low level jobs- they are unlikely to work hard. Students echo high sounding dreams of what they would like to aspire. Nonetheless, their behavior is frequently inconsistent with the accomplishment of these goals. This disparity between verbalized values and their actions is most telling. They have superficially, but only superficially bought into the dominant theory of how to make it in America. They know what the theory is. They have heard the rhetoric. But they do not believe it. This attitude achievement paradox expresses itself in subsequent behaviors, dispositions, and identity which negatively affect academic progress.

Students believe that they are being unduly discriminated against, that impediments to their social mobility are posed both at the institutional and structural levels. They believe that the discrimination they experience is undeserved. So they become distrustful of Whites and any establishment with which they are associated . Schools fall under the category of distrusted institutions. Students readily observe cases of biased presentation of text book material, biased assessments, favoritism, tracking, and sometimes open racism. Their observations or interpretations of their observations are legion.

Undoubtedly these factors must be taken into consideration when schools make plans and strive vigorously to improve the quality of education for minority students. Nor will the problems disappear on their own unless and until these issues are addressed head on. The answers to the problems are not far from where the problems themselves reside. Hence, educators need to analyze each phase of the problem, fix it, and then move on.

Larabee, D. Public goods, private goods: the American struggle over educational goals. American Educational Research Journal. Spring 1997, vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 39-81

Ogbu, J.U. (1978). Minority Education and Caste. New York:Academic Press.

Ogbu, J. U. (1991). Low school performances as an adaptation: The case of Blacks in Stockton, California. In M. Gibson & J. Ogbu (Eds.), Minority status and schooling: A comparative study of immigrant and involuntary minorities (pp. 249-286). New York: Garland.

Ogbu, J. U. (1994). Racial stratification and education in the United States: Why inequity persists. Teachers College Record, 96, 264-299.

Tsahai London Sandrock, Ph.D.

Tips Clos e Student Achievement Gap

Author:: Tsahai H. London Sandrock
Keywords:: Ogbu, minority students, close achievement gap, educator seminars, Dr. Tsahai London Sandrock
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Crisis of Human Survival

Environmental Pollution

1. Damage to The Ozone Layer Causes Radiation Pollution

The hole in the ozone layer above the North Pole is becoming larger, allowing large volumes of ultraviolet radiation to fall directly on the Earths surface, causing destruction and harm to humanity, and resulting in skin cancer and other bodily ailments. At the same time, it reduces the rate at which green plants photosynthesise, thereby reducing oxygen content in the atmosphere.

This has extreme negative effects on the Earth. Health organisations all over the world are continuously researching on ways of reducing such harmful effects on humanity. In a direct attempt to address the issue, many are actively looking into the effects of radiation, and taking measures to rectify the situation, such as through modifying the coolant compartments in automobiles and refrigerators, and setting up new guidelines for certain products.

2.Acid Rain

The emission of pollutants an d toxic gases into the atmosphere has resulted in chemical reactions, which cause acid rain. Acid rain damages the environment by, for example, corroding the metals we use in car doors and buildings. It also harms human health; the first sign of prolonged exposure to acid rain is the onset of skin ailments.


Many of the agricultural products, which we consume regularly, are sprayed with chemical pesticides that are harmful to humans. Some of these products may reach the consumer before an interval of time that is necessary for them to be safe and fit for human consumption. Consumers may unwittingly purchase these quick-to-the-market agricultural products, still tainted with chemicals, and expose their family to the harmful effects of these pesticides. Prolonged accumulation of these chemicals can cause irreversible damage to our health.

4. The Contamination of Western Medicine

Frequently, we see a new phenomenon. Whether is it among a family member or in the office, as soon as someone catches a cold or cough, it will inevitably spread quickly to someone else. Besides the highly contagious nature of the virus, the bodys low resistance to viruses also plays a part. The abusive use of antibiotics has resulted in viruses' resistance to medicines as well as deterioration of the human bodys immunity system. The rates of contagious diseases are thus on the rise.

Air Pollution

Rapid worldwide industrialisation has increased the daily emission of toxic waste and gases. Vehicle exhaust fumes and dust are increasingly trapped in our environment and this is exacerbated in densely populated cities where smog blankets and traps polluted air.

Tobacoo Smoke(Public Places)

The harmful effects of nicotine found in tobacco smoke are well documented. Passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke in public places can also suffer from the same ill effects as smokers themselves lung dis eases, damages to our brain cells, heart problems, strokes, poor blood circulation and high blood pressure are some of the more well known illnesses associated with tobacco smoke.

Indoor Air Pollution

On average, we spend 80% of our time indoors. The high cost of living and pressure for space have resulted in smaller living areas, with a higher tendency of congestion and poorer ventilation. Coupled with an enclosed indoor environment, these living conditions often come with pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, fungi and spores, droppings from dust mites, chemicals from photocopying machines and construction materials (glue, paint) and smoke from cooking. Sustained exposure to these elements can cause cancer, respiratory ailments such as asthma, hypersensitive rhinitis, hypersensitive dermatitis, and deterioration of the immune system.

1. Cooking Smoke (Kitchen and Restaurant)

Research reveals that cooking a meal is equivalent to smoking six cigar ettes. Although the proportion of women in China who smoke is small, the mortality rate of these women who suffer from pulmonary diseases is high. Epidemiologists suggest that there is a strong correlationship between this and the inhalation of smoke and oily fumes while cooking.

2. Recycling of Accumulated Carbon Dioxide (Office and Bedroom)

Prolonged inhalation of carbon dioxide in an enclosed or badly ventilated office can result in fatigue and lack of concentration among office workers. Fatigue felt after a long journey in the car is also similarly caused by poor circulation of air where there is insufficient oxygen to replace the carbon dioxide.

3. Bacteria and Fungus Found Living In Air Conditioners (Office Buildings, Hospitals, Homes, etc)

It is essential to clean the filters of all air-conditioning systems regularly, be it centralised or single units. Filth in the units will lead to the growth of micro-organisms which will flow into the room t hrough the inlet duct when the air-conditioner is switched on. Many cases of asthma today is closely related to allergy to these micro-organisms.

4. Air Pollution by Chenical Substances (Home, Office)

The scents and odours of household products like insecticides, detergents, deodorisers, mosquito coils, hair gels, hair sprays, glue, correction fluid, calcium carbonate, etc, are sometimes unhealthy. They may even be cancer-causing.

The Change in Lifestyle

1. Changes In Diet

In the modern diet, chemical additives occupy nearly 65% of all daily food content. In addition, fashionable trends in fast food resulted in people taking in excessive animal fats and food with high cholesterol contents. Such changes in eating habits resulted in people consuming too much unhealthy products and thus health is affected.

2. Lack of Exercise

Oxygen is important to the body. With exercise, oxygen will help to strengthen cardiac and lung functions. Exerc ise will also help to burn excess fats and reduces intravascular LDL ( low density lipoprotein cholesterol) to prevent arteriosclerosis. Exercising will benefit the health but when done excessively, it will result in hypoxia and overproduction of free radicals causing physiological imbalance.

3. Mental Stress

Changes in the present living environment: reductions in natural greens making way for the metropolis jungle, inter-personal relationships becoming increasingly superficial. As lifes pressures build up, so does stress in the workplace. The world of feelings and EQ succumb to imbalance. Many modern people suffer from the sickness of melancholy and this constitutes another concern of living in the modern society.

The Origin of Virus and Allergy

Mans endless devastation to Mother Nature has resulted in severe environmental pollutions, and nature is reacting. The constant mutation of bacteria and virus variations, coupled with the bustle of world tra de, has lent favor to virus broadcast. With developments in aviation and frequent travel, viruses are being disseminated at lightning speed across the globe. Strange illness abound, the pace of medical research cannot keep up with the unexpected speed of viral mutation. Plagues continue to endanger lives of humans and livestock. Life on earth is seriously threatened.

In addition, while most allergies do not endanger life, they can cause a person to live unhealthily or become unhappy. An example is dust allergy. Asia has the worlds highest incidences of asthma, 90% of such cases arises due to dust allergy. The common symptoms of dust allergy include: habitual early morning sneezes, running nose, blocked nose, cough, rhinitis, asthma, allergic conjunctivitis and uncommon dermatitis.

The above-mentioned issues constitute factors that threaten the Survival of humanity, cause deterioration of health and increase mental stress, leading to unhealthy and unhappy lives.

Nur Syahid, a Natural Aromatherapist, specializes in Bio-Tech Aromatherapy including oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, health aromatherapy. Comments, Share and more info E-mail to :

Author:: Nur Syahid
Keywords:: Survival
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Child Muay Thai Boxers

One Friday night in January I was in Hua Hin, Thailand with nothing to do so I decided to go and watch the Friday Night Muay Thai contest held at Grand Sport Hua Hin on Petchkasem Road. I had received a flyer earlier in the street promoting the event and decided that it might be worth checking out.

Apparently there are two Muay Thai venues in Hua Hin and this wasn't the real one, but if I wanted to go that night I didn't have much of a choice. It wasn't a stadium as such, more like a gym that had a ring in the middle and some chairs set up on two sides. I believe they have Muay Thai lessons there every day. There wasn't a live band there either so the music didn't get faster as the matches progressed, we had to make do with a taped loop.

The admission price was 500 baht, a little expensive I was informed by a local bar owner, but I wasn't complaining. Also any tuk tuk or taxi in Hua Hin will take you to the venue for free, just show them the flyer. That amazed me.

The first fight started at 9pm, if I remember correctly it was a couple of 12 year old or so boys. Interesting enough and I was amazed by their already ripped physiques, especially their stomach muscles. There were a number of other fights including a 16 year old girl versus a 19 year old girl that was stopped after the second round because the older girl sustained an injury. After a while a section on one side of the ring that didn't have any seats set up by it started to fill up with Thai patrons. A number of them had brought blankets and were sitting there watching the matches. I remember wondering at the time if they too had paid 500 baht to get in. Somehow I doubted it.

Anyway, to get to the point of this story, one of the main events that was being touted all night by the announcer was a match between a nine year old boy and a nine year old girl. This long awaited match finally got underway at 11pm. As they were entering the ring it was announced that the boy was so confident that he would win that he had bet 7000 baht on himself. This was announced several times over the loudspeaker. I pondered where a nine year old boy would get 7000 baht as I sat there looking up at the No Gambling sign posted to the wall (in English only) above the bar. The fighters came out to much excitement by the crowd, including myself and they were gorgeous, especially the little girl.

I may be mistaken but I believe the ceremonial dance that the boxers do before the match is called the Wai Klu. In each of the matches that night one of the boxers did the dance while the other stayed in his or her corner. For this match the girl was the one to perform the dance. Only this time she did something that I had not seen any of the other boxers do during their ceremonial dance s. I'll do my best here to describe it but I doubt that I can do it justice. Starting in her corner she would face her opponent who was standing in his corner on the other side of the ring. She would take one or two steps forward while twisting her body back towards her corner, then she would stomp her foot towards her opponent at the same time as sending an imaginary punch his way, which he would deflect with his hands, much to the delight of the crowd. This continued until she reached his corner, with him knocking away her imaginary punches each time. Then she would head back towards her ring, two or three slow steps at a time, looking back over her shoulder with each step, give him an appraising look, shake her head and take some more steps. Finally she looked satisfied that he was weakened enough and she concluded her dance. I don't think I can sufficiently explain how exciting this was.

Finally the match gets underway, and just like a mouse's heart beats a hundred times faster than the much larger dog, their movements seemed to be a lot faster than the previous boxers' movements. I was as excited if not more so than the rest of the crowd. Her arms were longer than his so she was getting in a few more punches than he was. Whenever she hit him I'd let out a roaring cheer, however when he kicked her I would cringe and have to stifle a cry of , Hey she's a girl! leave her alone!! I think I might have been a little too into it. The rounds were only two minutes each as opposed to the 3 minute rounds of the older fighters, but by the 4th round the girl's face was showing clear signs that she was getting tired. My heart broke. After a while though I started to have terrible misgivings about the whole adventure. Thoughts like What are you watching?! and You are paying people who make two little kids fight! ran through my mind. I was feeling very conflicted by the whole situation. I was able to put those thoughts to the back of my mind though when they announced that the winner was the girl. The whole place erupted and I am not afraid to say that I almost had a tear in my eye. I was so happy for her.

But then I started to feel a little sorry for the boy, who not only had to live with being beaten by a girl, but he had lost 7000 baht (if that story was to be believed.) After the fight both of the kids went around the audience and posed for photos and accepted money from the crowd. I gave her 100 baht and him 20. Now all he needed was another 6980 baht. When I posed for my photo with her I put my arm around her shoulder and I could feel her arm on the other side. It was rock solid. There was one more match after that, apparently a champion of the south versus a champion of the north, but I soon lost interest and went back to the hotel after the kids had gone.

In the songtaew on the way back I started to think about the whole night and had a number of questions. I wonder if they were really fighting or i f they were like a brother and sister and have that same fight for the tourists every week? I wonder if they go to school like other kids. I would imagine it takes a lot of training to get to that kind of level, plus the announcer had mentioned that typical Muay Thai boxers train for 12 hours a day. I wonder if they get to keep the money that they are given by the tourists or if unscrupulous event organizers pocket it. Or do their parents collect it?

Aaron Christe writes about Thai culture, people and experiences at He will also show you how to fly cheaply to Thailand at Cheap flights to Thailand

Author:: Aaron Christe
Keywords:: Thailand,Muay Thai,child boxers,
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Thinking Games

Classic thinking games are a great way to tune up your brain. You can use these mind games to help you increase your brain power and to get you out of your thinking ruts. Play them enough, and they'll habituate you to using creative problem solving as a normal pArt of thinking about things.

Thinking Games For Groups

Group thinking games are especially good for long trips in a car. Have someone look out the window, for example, and randomly choose an object. Everyone in the car then tries to imagine a new way to make money with it. Common street signs become places to advertise, trees are sold with names, and a truck becomes a traveling grocery store.

Use the change of perspective technique as a problem-solving game. Just pick any topic, and see who can come up with the most unique new perspect ive. Could there be a world where jobs weren't necessary? How would a virus define morality if it was conscious?

One creative thinking game uses a technique called concept combination. You simply combine random concepts or things in interesting ways, and see who has the best idea. A chair and a microwave? Maybe an easy-chair with a built-in cooler, microwave and television, or microwavable couch potatoes - a potato snack in the shape of a couch.

More Thinking Games

A lateral thinking puzzle you can try right now involves nine dots, layed out three by three. Connect them all with four straight lines, without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper. When you figure this one out you'll appreciate the expression thinking outside of the box.

Many lateral-thinking puzzles use a scenario, real or imagined, with a selection of things you have to use to accomplish something. Imagine a ping-pong ball in an iron pipe that's set in cement. The pipe sticks up thr ee-feet high, and has almost the same diameter as the ball. Using only a box of frosted-flakes, and a t-shirt, and your body and mind, how many ways can you find to get the ball out of the pipe? You could also set this up for real, to know if a proposed solution will really work.

Many riddles are just mind games or lateral-thinking puzzles. You move laterally in your mind, away from your usual line of thought, to solve a riddle. For example, what did his friends do when the canibal was late for dinner? They gave him the cold shoulder, of course! Keeping your brain in shape doesn't have to be a matter of serious study. Why not play some thinking games?

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Author:: Steven Gillman
Keywords:: thinking games,brain power,lateral thinking puzzles
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

NonCombat Branches in the American Civil War

Most of an army is made up not of fighters, but of units whose job is to support the fighters. Modern armies and Civil War armies are a pArt of modern warfare, consume enormous amounts of everything. Whether in camp or in the field, armies consume tons of food and water every day; not just people do all this consuming, either. The tens of thousands of animals that provided mobility for the cavalry and Artillery needed to be fed as well. Anyone who has ever had to feed even one horse or cow knows how much forage it takes every day to keep them happy. In battle, an army consumes ammunition at incredible rates; consequently, men are killed or woun ded at very high rates.

In the general mess that is war, someone has to haul every bite of food and every bullet and cannon ball fired. Someone has to provide clothes, shoes (for horses and men), equipment and repair or replace whatever is broken. Someone has to make sure supply stocks are maintained, so that no shortages occur. Someone has to deal with the sick, dead and wounded. Someone has to house the troops when they go into camp. Someone has to build the bridges and rail lines to supply the army. You get the idea.

The quArtermaster (called a logistician today) had the unromantic but all-important job of providing everything an army needs to fight. The quArtermaster supervised the supply trains (the long train of wagons) that followed the army on the march. In the Union army, the standard was 25 wagons for every thousand men. The medical corps treated casualties (the sick, dead and wounded), taking them from the battlefield, burying the dead and evacuating the wounded or sick to the rear for treatment and (the all too rare) recovery.

Orders for the movement of armies and combat information were passed through the signal troops, who maintained the critical lines of communication for the army. In the Civil War these troops used signal flags, mirrors, torches, balloons, couriers and the telegraph to pass orders and instructions. Throughout the war, both sides established a highly organized system of communication that went from the national leaders to the armies in the field and down to the company level - and back up again. For the first time in the history of warfare, the telegraph becam e an indispensable means of almost instantaneous communication. It allowed Presidents Davis and Lincoln an unprecedented opportunity to maintain contact with generals in the field. The telegraph also allowed them at times to meddle in their generals' affairs. The armchair strategists in Richmond and Washington also enjoyed using the telegraph to provide field generals with commentary and criticism. Civil War leaders were the first to discover what people today know all too well: Communications technology can be both a blessing and a curse.

Engineers planned and built fortifications both temporary and permanent, built roads and bridges (both temporary and permanent) and made terrain maps (probably temporary and permanent, too). As the war went on, the skills of engineers became of increasing importance when both armies began to use entrenchments and breastworks, using sandbags and logs covered with eArth to protect their forces while having a clear shot at the attacking enemy. Both Richmond and Washington were protected by extensive fortifications.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Civil War

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: Civil War
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Russian Attitudes Toward Money

Lynn Visson's Wedded Strangers explains:

For Russians, the ultimate sin is being stingy. Americans are viewed as being tight fisted.

Russians and Americans have vastly different views of money. This is understandable considering that Russians were raised under the Soviet system and Americans were raised under a capitalist system.

Under the Soviet system, Russians had money in their pocket, but no place to spend it. Jobs, medical care, apartments, pensions the basic necessities that one needed for life were provided by the state.

The problem was that the State decided what to produce. Choice in goods was unavailable. That was if the product was even available. Goods were scarce. You couldnt comparison shop even if you wanted to.

You didnt have to worry about spending too much money because there werent too many goods to spend money on.

There are stories to illustrate life during the Soviet times. When you walked down the street and you saw a line of people, you got in line, even though you didnt know why the line was forming and what you were waiting for.

Whatever it was, it was scarce and people wanted it, so it was better to get in line before you missed out.

Conversely, Americans have more money, but they have a thousand choices on how to spend that money. The whole American consumption system is designed to get you to spend money on whatever product is advertised. They supplement the myriad choices with easy credit.

The trick in the American system is to figure out what it is that is really important to you. It becomes important to make wise choices because there are so many choices available. Shopping for bargains and good value becomes imperative to survive American capitalism. Your choices are virtually unlimited. You could spend hundreds of thousands times your income in America without giving it a second thought.

The problem is that you would soon find yourself wallowing i n consumer debt.

Americans value their ability to negotiate a good deal and to find a bargain. They brag about the great deals they get. They are proud of their ability to get the most for their money. To live at the highest standard of living possible is the goal of Americas consumer society.

For that same reason, American men are proud of their success and the assets they have accumulated. They think that they can attract a Russian woman by telling her about their ability to provide for her.

They brag about their income and their wealth to impress her and then they turn around and tell her about what a good negotiator they are in exacting the best price for things.

These traits are valuable in American society. But all that talk about money makes them sound like Ebenezer Scrooge to the Russian woman they are trying to impress.

To a Russian, who earns one dollar for every fifty dollars an American earns, an American sounds incredibly cheap when they talk about what a hard bargain they have driven to buy something. You sound more like a miser to them.

When you talk about how you got a great price on the airline tickets to see her, it takes the romance right out of the picture, as far as she is concerned. Your meeting takes on the air of a commercial transaction rather than a romantic interlude.

To a Russian, you either have the money or you dont. You can either afford something or you cant. You dont brag about how you whittled someone down in price. You dont talk about money. Its considered bad taste.

First, they brag about how much money they have and then they complain about the prices, the Russian women say. How they count their money!

America is a merchant society. Talking about money is normal to them.

Russians know that Americans make much more money than them. But they dont understand anything about the types of expenses that the typical American has.

Russians have monthly expenses of rent, food, telephone, hot water, and heat in the winter. These expenses maybe cost them fifty to one hundred dollars per month.

When you tell them you make three thousand dollars per month, for example, they mentally subtract one hundred dollars for expenses, and they think they have twenty nine hundred dollars to spend money on the things they want.

Russians have no idea about the types of payments that Americans make every month. They dont understand that recurring payments like mortgages, car payments, insurance, cable, telephone, and other expenses add up to a large portion of their monthly check.

The average American family has a standard of living, which is accessible to only the top income class in Russia.

Russians dont pay personal income taxes and they dont realize that you must pay as much as twenty five to thirty five percent of your income for income tax, plus property taxes, sales tax, and other excise taxes.

A Russian woman is definitely interested in your financial situation. She want to know that you have a stable job and are able to take care of her and any children you may have. Tell her that you own your own home. Tell her that you can take good care of her and her children.

Tell her about the shopping and cultural amenities where you live. Tell her about the restaurants and cafes. Tell her about the weather and the local recreational facilities. Tell her about television, movies, and other lifestyle considerations.

Tell her about the schools. Tell her what you like about your job, your family, your home, and the community where you live. Tell her why she will like it too.

Just dont go into a lot of financial details. No matter how much you try to explain, she just wont understand. Dont talk about money unless you have to.

John has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to brin g his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.

Author:: John Kunkle
Keywords:: Russian,Culture,Bride,Swimsuit
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

We Need a More Effective Mechanism for International Cooperation

After World War I the League of Nations had a lot going for it and after World War II the United Nations certainly was a good idea. However, now we are in the present period and things have changed drastically. The United Nations serves many purposes, as it is a place for nations leaders to speak freely of their grievances and speak out about differences with other nations over trade, water rights and political impasses leading towards war.

The United Nations has prevented many wars, more than we can count, but they have also fallen down in many areas and perhaps this is because the way in which countries interact now is different from its first chArter. The United Nations has evolved as things have changed, however in the present period we need a more effective mechanism for international cooperation. As nations jockey into position for their own best interests and trade deals, we often see animosity amongst many other nations who feel they have not been treated fairly.

Another serious issue, which causes political impasse is in the United Nations Security Council. It seems as though more and more nations are pushing the limits of ethical voting. Currently we have a problem with the nation state, which sponsors international terrorism and we have several Security Council members, which are blocking any actions such as sanctions. It seems as though many nations are selling arms and high-tech weapons to this country, which is sponsoring international terrorism and therefore they do not want the United Nations to take any action.

This sort of politics in a branch of the United Nations which is suppose to act as though they are the justice section of the organization has caused the United Nations to be ineffectual and an ineffective mechanism for international cooperation in preventing future wars. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: More Effective Mechanism, International Cooperation
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Unguided Men

Humanity - the sole endeavor of sanctity in every man, the moribund symphony serenading in all perceptions, the extinct deference suggestive of LifeHumanity. Something already sold to that trait of the individual defined as war.

War is never introduced but is in the presence of man as in birth, it is left to man to either seek its vice or pertain himself to the fountainhead of Life Humanity. Self is the greatest, yet the most malicious proposition of existence introduced to man. We are men - of flesh, blood and avarice. The flesh is of self, the blood is for self and the voracious avarice is self. And just to promote this very self the audacious euthanasia steps forth onto the threshold of existence.

We are mortals, mortals to whom the commandments of Life are to tread only on those roads that commence and conclude in us. We encroach the realms of Life and intervene the capricious horizons with prospects that are concerned only for the likes of the me and the I. In us lies the yearning that teaches the ever-dubious laws of Life - To live for self, to cheat for self, to slaughter for self and self-alone. Fidelity to ourselves, deference for our existence and a narcissist approach to Life is the only erudition, we actually do attain. We lead ourselves by the hand in a World of darkness following a path paved not for any man to trudge upon and claiming all that which wasnt destined to us because in a World where men seek the visions of greatness they stand blinded to the paths taken to immortality.

We want to rule this human because for us this human is senile, meager and impotent. We want to slay the living because we believe that the human is a race that runs the World but in itself is even dubious of its own existence. Our adamant urge to never be one of the many, our defiance of all truths of veracity and our ideals to annihilate the existent verity made us what we are today men.

But what about the man? Not men. Bu t the man. The destitute man with his insipid Life, monotonous definitions of every concept ideal to living and the man to whom dawn is as impertinent as dusk. What about him? He will writhe, suffer and die. For where only the profound, the sublime, the infallible, the potent the men survive the magnitude of the man is and shall ever be just demise.

We lie ensnared in this division of the humanitarian and the capitalist side of the human soul, where one end is engrossed in the emancipation of existence, the other prepares the elixir to cure the plague that runs the World human. They say the end is approaching, cloaked, disguised, incognito, yet encroaching, this might sound incredibly sickening but I believe that this is not the end, only the beginning of a beginning.

About The Author

I'm a desperate author sincerely trying hard to get puiblished and i really hope that if i'm found worthy of it, i will be provided an oppurtunity.

Author:: Tushar J ain
Keywords:: Humans,Humanity,Humanities,Life,World,Society,Evolution,Theology,Philosophy
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Yes Tarot Readings Are For You!

Have you ever thought?

What is the best way out of this situation or which job do I take which decision do I make and offcourse which path is best! Choices, choices, choices, life is all about choices.

This is where Tarot readings can be and are an important tool!

Some sceptics may say this is baloney, but I am sure they have not experienced the power of the Tarot, closed minds never benefit and so these people limit themselves.

I know the power of the Tarot first hand and how this exciting medium can help and indeed has helped many, many people.

Tarot lays out the different choices a person has in regards to a given situation!

The reader if the he or she is a good one will never say you must take this choice or that choice. Instead a good reader will advise, giving options for the person to make informed decisions.

Good Tarot readers, genuinely want to help people!

To better their lives by making good decisions. Readers wi ll give warnings where an outcome of a decision could be negative and will reinforce all positive aspects.

I know that there are a lot of pretenders out there!

There are also some very gifted readers also. I believe that the power of the Tarot is something that can be learned by anyone, however this does not make someone a good or credible reader. One must look further, the power, I believe is a gifting. A lot of gifted Tarot readers are also visionaries; they use Tarot to channel this energy for the benefit of the querant. This channelling is used in conjunction with the card interpretation to give a powerful reading for the person asking.

Experience counts!

Good Tarot readers, generally want to share there gifting. They tend to travel lot, giving readings and helping people all over the world. I believe that an experience level of at least 6 years is the minium requirement, liken this to an apprenticeship period. This is the time a reader lear ns, and further develops inherited giftings.

This is what determines the level of the Tarot reader. There is always the exception to the rule but this is very remote. Like all things experience and practice perfects!

Have you ever heard of anyone born to play the violin and could play at a world class level with no learning or practice, offcourse not the same applies for Tarot.

Check out readers!

When shopping for a new refrigerator do you simply got to the nearest store and purchase the first one you see? No, that would be just plain stupid. The same applies for Tarot card readers. Always check out your perspective reader, as I have said there are a lot of pretenders out there! A genuine reader will have nothing to hide in fact credible readers will only be too happy to provide any information needed to satisfy any reservations a client has.

A good Tarot reader will always be interested, caring and want to help the client.

Genuine Ta rot readers are just that, genuine.

Readers do not provide our services just for the money; readers really want to help people.

A client should always feel good about a reading and that it has been helpful. One should never hesitate to ask questions about a reading or seek clarification if it is needed.

Customer satisfaction should be an important part of a Tarot card readers job.

About The Author

Hi, My name is Alan woods. I am a Professional Tarot Card Consultant for: Maria Angelica Ortiz Enterprises. I have ten years experience and really enjoy helping people. I offer Tarot Card readings both online and via email please feel free to check out our site: I look forward to seeing you there! You can contact me at:

Author:: Alan Woods
Keywords:: Tarot,Psychic,Beliefs,Spirituality,Faith
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Proving Humans are Indeed Unique

What sort of experiment or set of experiments should be done to determine once and for all if humans are unique to all other species in the animal kingdom? Can we trust researchers to do such an important experiment? As the resultant will either shake the core of human existence or bolster the already ego-centric ways of the species.

Will the researchers be so narrowly focused to insure that their data proves themselves right? Will they disregard data to the contrary and instead work to follow their personal religious belief systems? Well such a study is indeed about to take place with some members of a Think Tank. And one researcher when asked about the focus of the experiment stated that;

This is not to say the experiment would not lend itself to new discoveries along the way. Those determinations would be directly attributed to the management of the procedure. I myself prefer to compile interchangeable data sets wherever possible as a means to encourage furt her expansion.

Good as that is the right attitude and best policy. I personally cannot tell you how many times we have altered our mobile car wash trucks in our company before I retired to do various tasks only to find out they were perfectly designed for another, which was even more profitable and with a few refinements even another even more profitable than the later.

And in designing our point of purchase system all synced up to our online scheduling, billing and appointment system, sure we had feature creep and problems along the way, and it took a little longer than expected, but Wow. In the end we won. Winning is paramount of course. The goal is to win.

Winning in this experiment is to answer the question leaving no doubt in the mind of the reader of your research. It can be done and so it should be done and like you elude to done right the first time. You really do not get second chances in the Pub lish or Perish world of academia, as if you mess up your name remains Mud for far too long.

So the experiment will take place and it will be honest and forthright and in the end we will determine if humans are unique to the rest of the animal kingdom or if we are merely just another animal and this should prove to be rather interesting indeed. Be thinking on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Proving Humans, Indeed Unique
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sir Tom Stoppard the Early Plays Albert's Bridge

Sir Tom Stoppard, the early Plays.

5. Albert's Bridge

Sir Tom Stoppard's play Albert's Bridge (Radio, 1967), develops similar themes to those of his earlier Plays, concentrating specifically on the opposition between chaos and order. Like John Brown of A Separate Peace (1960), Albert cannot stand the chaos of everyday life, and seeks an escape into a more ordered existence. In A Separate Peace the problem was presented largely in terms of physical circumstances, the hospital being a world more ordered than the outside world. In Albert's Bridge, the physical circumstances are equated with conceptual, or psychological factors, which belong to the subjective world of individual perception. Hence the peace of mind Albert finds high up among the geometrically ordered bridge girders, away from the human demands of his wife and child, is equated with the concept of seeing life from a distance, as opposed to seeing it close up.

Albert:'The banks are littered with various bricks, kiddiblocks with windows; dinky toys move through the gaps, dodged by moving dots that have no colour ... It's the most expensive toytown in the store - the detail is remarkable.'

Kate: I saw you today ... coming out of the hairdressers. Six and six, I had it cut.

Albert:Just goes to show - if you get far enough away, six and sixpence doesn't show, and nor does anything, at a distance.

Kate: Well, life is all close up isn't it?

Albert: Yes, it hits you when you come back down. (pp. 22-23.)

This concept of varying perspective is reinforced by Frazer, a potential suicide who climbs the bridge in order to jump off. But from the heights of the bridge he escapes the pressure which caused his despair and therefore no longer wants to jump. Back on the ground the pressure builds up again and he climbs the bridge again, so he spends his time repeatedly ascending and descending the bridge. He explains:-

'I can't help it. I' m forced up and coaxed down. I'm a victim of perspective.' (p.35.)

Albert becomes entirely dependent on his job and eventually abandons his wife and child in favour of the bridge. His family life is ruined by his hankering for order. His situation does not last though, the bridge finally collapses when 1,800 painters march on to it without breaking step; an excess of order on a physical level. The authorities have called in the army of painters because in planning the most economical way to paint the bridge they have, like George Riley of Enter a Free Man, relied entirely on logic and forgotten common sense; an excess of order on a mental level. Thus the play illustrates, on a number of levels, the thesis that an excess of order causes collapse due to the upsetting of some kind of natural balance.

The four Plays discussed so far (A Separate Peace, Enter a Free Man, If You're Glad I'll be Frank) have a unity as a group, or cycle of works. They are unified by the themes they explore, and the methods by which they explore them. It is worth summarising the observations made so far, as a basis for approaching Stoppard's major works. Each of the 'heroes' is an individual struggling to establish some kind of relationship with the rest of the world. They all ultimately fail to achieve what they were striving for; 'the world' asserts its superior strength over the individual The struggle is seen in terms of a series of dialectical oppositions, and the failure arises not because one side of the argument is 'wrong but because one side has been asserted to the exclusion of the other. The opposing principles take on a number of guises; Chaos versus Order, Freedom versus Responsibility, Illusion versus Reality, Logic versus Common Sense, the Individual versus 'The Establishment', etc.

The key for dealing with these apparently irreconcilable opposites is the concept of perspective. The world is too chaotic for John Brown and Alber t, and too rigidly ordered for Gladys and Frank. But it is the same world. The way we see the world depends upon the way we look at it; reality is relative. This is the heart of the 'world picture' established by Stoppard in his early minor works. He goes on to expand and elaborate this view in his longer works Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Jumpers, and arrives at a definitive statement with Travesties.

Read the full version of this essay at:

Ian Mackean runs the site, which features a substantial collection of English Literature Resources and Essays, and where his sites on Books Made Into Movies, and Short Story Writing can also be found. He is the editor of The Essentials of Literature in English post-1914, published by Hodder Arnold. When not writing about literature or short story writing he is a keen amateur photographer, and has made a site of his photography at

Author:: Ian Mackean
Keywords:: Tom Stoppard,Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,English Literature,Plays,Drama,British,Theatre
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Marcus Garvey: A Symbol for Black Nationalism

My first kids father named my son Marcus after legendary Marcus Garvey. Which made me curious to know more about who Marcus Garvey actually was

Up You Mighty Race, Accomplish What You Will... (Marcus Garvey)

The following text is dedicated to my eldest son Marcus.

Marcus Mosiah Garvey was born on August the 17, 1887, in St Anns Bay, Jamaica as the youngest of 11 children.

Marcus Garvey was known as a journalist, entrepreneur, publisher and a crusader for black nationalism. During his whole life, he has fought for racial equality.

Childhood years

In St Anns Bay, young Marcus attended grammar school. Alfred Burrowes, his godfather, also gave him some private instruction. Alfred Burrowes hired Marcus at the age of 14 as an apprentice in order to learn the printing trade.

Garveys father, who was the owner of a private library, encouraged young Marcus love for books.

During his apprentice period, Marcus used to discuss politics and social affairs at his uncles place.

In 1906, Garvey moved from St Ann to Kingston.

In 1908, Marcus Garvey participated in Jamaica's first Printers' Union strike. The strike was unsuccessful and as a consequence, Marcus Garvey lost his job.

Luckily, he was employed by the Government Printing Office.

Visiting the world

Around 1910, Marcus Garvey left Jamaica for Costa Rica. There, he worked as a time keeper at a panana plantation. Then he went to Central America, visited the Panama Central Zone. He observed Blacks and Indians hard working conditions. He also traveled to Equador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Columbia and Venezuela.

Very sensitive about discrimination and racial prejudice, Marcus Garvey always had the will to make things change. Thats why he appealed to his government in order to improve West Indians working conditions. But the government just wouldnt listen to his complaint.

Garvey, the publisher

Marcus Garveys first publications started during his Central American travels.

In 1910, Garvey started his first newspaper, The Watcher, that was followed by several other short lived newspapers

He was also associated with several publications:

- The African Times and Orient Review, The Daily Negro Times, Harlem, 1922-1924

-The Blackman, Kingston, Jamaica, 1929-1931

-The New Jamaican, Kingston, 1932-33

Marcus Garvey started The Black Man Magazine in 1933 in Kingston. His magazine was continued in England until 1939.

Black militantism: the creation of the UNIA-ACL

Marcus Garvey was very conscious that improving black folks conditions was a long term work. It had better chances to work if Africans united. Thats why he created the the Universal Negro Improvement and Conservation Association and African Communities League (UNIA). As the President of the UNIA, he defined its goal to unite all the people of African ancestry of the world into one great body to establish a country and Government absolutely their own. very precisely. The UNIAs flag is red, black and green.

In 1916, Marcus Garvey went to the USA and gave a lecture tour.

In 1920, Garvey set up branches of the UNIA in more than 40 countries.

Garveys ideas

Marcus Garvey fought for social, political and economic freedom for Black people.

He founded several companies like Black Star Line and Black Cross Navigation and Trading Company.

He also created the Negro Factories Corporation, which helped to created more marketable black businesses. Garvey was commercially very active: he started chains of groceries and restaurants and many other kind of businesses.

Africa for the Africans...At Home and Abroad!

Marcus Garvey wanted Blacks to consider Africa as their permanent homeland:

I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa, there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there. Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nat ion can be nowhere else but in Africa .

In 1920, he worked on the ambitious project to develop African state Liberia by building colleges and industries , but he had to stop it, because of many European countries political and economic interest in Liberia.

Mail fraud charges

Marcus Garvey was confronted by mail fraud charges in 1925 and sentenced to jail in 1925. He was jailed at Atlanta Federal prison. After his release in 1927, he was deported from New Orleans to Kingston, Jamaica, where a huge crowd welcomed him.

Defending Blacks till his death

Marcus Garvey has never stopped fighting for the cause he found right.

In 1928, he went to Geneva. He presented the Petition of the Negro Race to the League of Nations, which was strongly against black peoples abuse around the world.

In 1929, he founded the PPP (Peoples Political Party), which became Jamaicas first political party. This political party was all about helping poor people, education and workers rights.

In 1929, Garvey was elected Councillor for the Allman Town division of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC).

He was reelected in 1930.

In 1931, Marcus Garvey created Edelweiss Amusement Company, a company that was supposed to help artists to make a living out of their work and to give them an opportunity to get known better- at least locally.

In 1935, Marcus Garvey moved to London. He kept being involved in his activism till his death. Garvey died in London in 1940. He is considered as Jamaicas first national hero.

It is a known fact that Marcus Garvey was nicknamed Black Moses

Dont search so many saints in the Holy Bible when you have a pretty good example in real life.

Copyright2005 by Isabelle Esling
All Rights Reserved

I am an Eminem biographer and a freelance music journalist. I teach English and German at public schools.

Author:: Isabelle Esling
Keywords:: Marcus Garvey, black nationalism, black heroes, black history, Jamaica
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Vampires: The Romantic Ideology Behind Them

The French Revolution constituted for the conscience of the dominant aristocratic class a fall from innocence, and upturning of the natural chain of events that resounded all over Europe; the old regime became, in their imaginary, a paradise lost. This explains why some romantic poets born in the higher classes were keen on seeing themselves as faded aristocrats, expelled from their comfortable milieu by a reverse of fortune or a design of destiny. Byron and Shelley are the prime instances of this vital pose. In The Giaour he writes on a vampiric character: The common crowd but see the gloom/ Of wayward deeds and fitting doom;/ The close observer can espy/A noble soul, and lineage high.

Byron departed from England leaving a trail of scandal over his marital conduct and since then saw himself as an exiled expatriate. Shelley was expelled from Oxford and he fell in disgrace by marrying an in-keepers daughter; he always struggled to reconcile his origin with his politic al ideas: Shelley could find no way of resolving his own contradictory opinions (Cronin, 2000).

This icon of the fallen aristocrat is rooted on another character revered by romantic poets: the fallen angel. As Mario Praz proves, miltonic Satan became the rebel figure of choice among romantic poets. Milton reversed the medieval idea of a hideous Satan and wrapped its figure with the epic grandeur of an angel fallen in disgrace. Many of the Byronic heros share with Miltons Satan this fallen-from-grace condition, such as Lara: There was in him a vital scorn of all:/ As if the worst had fall'n which could befall,/ stood a stranger in this breathing world,/An erring spirit from another hurld ( Lara XVIII 315-16)

There is another social factor that is behind the formation of the romantic myth of the Vampire. In the early nineteen century, the foundations of what would later become a mass society were laid; the expansion of the press and of the reading public produced an increased diffusion for literary works and fostered movements such as the gothic and the sensation novel. Byron himself experienced the event of being turned into a proto-bestseller. The unification of literary taste and preferences that was a correlate to this social changes could not be more alien to the romantic notion of individual gusto and original sensibility. In order to combat this unifying forces, romantic poets revered the individual who stands outside society and is free from common concerns. Many of Byrons heros look down on the masses from above, even though they walk among them and do not lean towards wordsworthian escapades into nature; they achieve to remain untainted by the masses in a sort of exile within the world akin to that of a ghost or a dammed spirit. This self-definition of Manfred is revelatory:

From my youth upwards My spirit walkd not with the souls of men,

Nor lookd upon the earth with human eyes;

The thirst of their ambiti on was not mine,

The aim of their existence was not mine;

My joys, my griefs, my passions, and my powers

Made me a stranger; though I wore the form,

I had no sympathy with breathing flesh, (Manfred II, ii, 50-58)

Not only Byrons works contrived to produce the modern image of the Vampire in relation to the Male Seducer archetype, but also some odd events in his life and the life of those surrounding him exercised a decisive influence. A critical study bundled with an anthology of Vampire tales (Conde de Siruela, 2001) attributes to the short story The Vampire (1819) by John William Polidori the fixation of the classical images of the literary Vampire as a villanious, cold and enigmatic aristocrat; but, above all, perverse and fascinating for women.

Mario Praz, in the same line, also states that Byron was largely responsible for the vogue of vampirism. Polidori was the unfortunate doctor and personal assistant of Lord Byron who died half-cr azy at 25. The idea for the tale published in 1819 came from the famous meetings at Villa Diodati on June 1816 between Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley and Polidori, in what was probably the most influential gathering for fantastic fiction in the history of modern Literature. In order to pass the stormy and ether-fuelled nights, they agreed to write each one a ghost story. Mary Shelley (who was then 17 years old) got during these nights the idea of what later became Frankenstein and Polidori wrote the tale The Vampire that he would publish three years later.

The story appeared in the New Monthly Magazine falsely attributed by the editor to Lord Byron (taking advantages of the aura of Satanism that surrounded the poet in the popular view to promote the sales of the magazine). A misguided Goethe hailed the story as the best that Lord Byron had ever written. The tale was, actually, a covert portrait of Lord Byron disguised as the Vampire Lord Ruthven, a cruel gambler a nd killer of innocent girls. Polidori had introduced in the story fragments from an autobiographical and revengeful novel called Glenarvon written by Caroline Lamb, an ex-lover of Byron. The Lords reaction was a threat to the editor and the denouncing of a commercial imposture with his name. Eventually Stokers Dracula (1897) blended, according to Siruela (2001), this tradition derived from Polidoris Lord Ruthven with some old romano-hungarian tales of wandering dead and enchanted castles, fixating thus the modern images of the Vampire.

The Vampire is closely linked to another romantic archetype: the dissatisfied lover. Rafael Argullol summarizes its traits: el enamorado romntico reconoce en la consumacin amorosa el punto de inflexin a partir del cual la pasin muestra su faz desposedora y exterminadora.. The romantic lover begins to feel a sense of dissatisfaction, caducity and mortality at the very moment when his passion is fulfilled. This feeling prompts him to embar k in a sentimental rollercoaster where each peak of satisfaction is followed by a valley of despair and the impulse to seek satisfaction in a new object of love in order to renew the faded passion (the extreme of this attitude is the character of Don Juan). The Vampire goes one step further than the seducer: for him the loved one stands as an image of his own dissatisfaction and it must be destroyed at the very moment when the longing for her disappears; at the instant of consummation.

Again Byron in Manfred expresses this transference, which Argullol opportunely labels as romantic self-mirroring: I loved her, and destroy'd her! (211). Keats conveys in his Ode on Melancholy the feeling of mortality that is hidden in the moment of pleasure for the romantic: Turning to poison while the bee-mouth sips:/ Ay, in the very temple of Delight/Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine,/ Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue/Can burst Joy's grape against his palate fi ne. La belle dame sans merci is according to Argullol also a poem where vida y muerte se vivifican y complementan mutuamente [... se hallan en total simbiosis. But there is a crucial difference between Byron and Keats in their approach to the fatal lover: Byrons characters are fatal males, epitomized in the Vampire, while Keats characters are femmes fatales.

This difference underlines a different attitude to gender issues: Byron liked to emanate a dominant masculinity which is imprinted in all his leading characters. Keats, however, had a passive approach to love, his poetic personas like to be seduced even if that means, as we have seen, to be killed. Byron is the male aristocrat who thinks all women are naturally his, they are his possessions and, as such, disposable at will. Keats, who disliked Byrons Don Juan - in a letter to his brother, he referred to it as Lord Byron's last flash poem, announces a more modern and non-patriarchal approach to love where the woman is free to be the seducer.

Nevertheless, as we have seen, they both share the extreme notion of love as creation and destruction at the same time; and their characters, though of different gender, are Vampire lovers. This different attitude is not only personal but it mirrors a wider and epochal distinction. Mario Praz has observed how the fatal and cruel lovers of the first half of the nineteenth century are chiefly males, while in the second half of the century the roles are gradually inverted until late century decadentism is dominated by femmes fatales. This literary process mirrors the advancement of social changes throughout the century, and the slow but continuous emancipation of love from patriarchal standards. Gender issues shift focus, but power and domination remain at the core of the portrayals of love even in the fully bourgeoisie society of the late nineteenth century. Goodland (2000) has explored the role of women as a redundant class subject to another classes and the gender/class dialectic found in the Vampire.

Not only Byron and Keats were fascinated by the myth of the Vampire, but we can find its presence in most romantic poets, even in the proto-romantic early Goethe. A list of authors who use such characters made by Twitchell (1981) comprises: Southey in Thalaba the destroyer, Coleridge in Christabel and Wordsworth in The Leech Gatherer.

As we have seen throughout this paper the figure of the Vampire is shaped in the romantic period under the form of an ideological knot where many social forces converge: the French Revolution, an embryonic mass society, the decline of aristocracy and the gradual shifting apart of gender divisions from the patriarchal model. Therefore, it constitutes a myth that may be read as a battleground for the play of discourses of its era, shedding light on other romantic attitudes towards existence. As such it is subject to an analysis that, as new historicisms maintain, is aware of the historicity of a text and the textuality of history.

Xavier Zambrano has a degree in English Philology and is the webmaster of the blog A Picture and a Sentence that blends Painting and literary Quotes:

  • A picture and a Sentence

  • Author:: Xavier Zambrano
    Keywords:: Vampire,Literature,Books,Romanticism,Painting,Keats,Byron,Shelley,Quotes
    Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

    How I lost A million Dollars In A Bank Robbery

    The Million dollars was my life-savings earmarked for prime the pump money for my biotech start-up. I am the Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells CuresGen Cells Cures is focused on private medical research for the individual. Searching for cures for incurable diseases and aging. Of course, with the best scientific technologies on the planet! With President Bush trying to ride the middle of the road on stem cell research and his rejection of therapeutic cloning. I packed my bags and went offshore. A great place to go, but leave your money at home. I transferred the money to a carribean island and the local banker stole every last penny.

    The local government gave me back the money, but in their currency then devalued the currency almost 100% and I walked away almost flat broke. The banker also robbed 2.2 billion dollars of the local folks money. He bought himself out of the scandel and is enjoying my million along with the other billions he robbed and his new helo copters and yahts in his home-country! I am pretty sure he will show up on the Forbes billionaire list next year. Not a bad businessRobbing banks, if you have the conscience for it! Dont worry about the country, the International Monetary Fund stepped in to replace the stolen money, no questions asked. The American Embassy screamed for justice in the scandel but to no avail.

    After the electric company cut my lights for non-payment I lost all of my cell lines and had to shut down the lab. Chris Reeve had expressed an interest in helping me get back on track before his untimely passing. I had to give up my small scale philanthropy of giving food to the poor people that I had met on the island. My favorite individual charity was a young lady and her three children whose husband had died of cancer in his early 60s. She and her children are on the street. I have discontinued her support because I dont have the $200 monthly it takes for her food and housing costs. I have contacted several billionaires for help in opening my doors again (the biotech and my food charity) while at the same time looking for their future cures. I was turned down flat by the Annenbergs from Pennsylvania, Jeff Skoll, Pierre and Pam Omidyar and Carl and Eloise Pohlad from Minnesota. James and Virginia Stowers never answered my letter. I was hoping for maybe some hand me down michroscopes from their biotech.

    Hey but Jim Pattison the owner of Ripleys Believe It Or Not from Canada is considering us, and Kirk Kerkorian appreciated it, and Richard Branson is keeping us in mind in the event that he needs our services, however, Richard Branson probably has some of the best genes that any one could ever want living life like a teenager at 54 with all of his famous stunts. I wouldnt be surprised if he lives to be over 100 years old without Gen Cells Cures help. But a little help from Gen Cells Cures medical scientists could guarantee that he sees 100 plus! Plus! But lets wait to see what Donald has to say about the ideaThat is Donald trump. So far not one penny is back in the Gen Cells Cures coffers.

    Article by Gerald Armstrong- Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures-
    Visit his site for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.

    You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

    Gerald Armstrong the owner of the biotech Gen Cells Cures focused on cures fore incurable diseases

    Author:: Gerald Armstrong
    Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
    Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

    Debussy and Gamelan According to a 150 Year Old Man


    If you havent been transported by the mesmerizing sounds of Gamelan yet, we highly recommend you hear some. It will change the song you cant stop singing. (As much as you love Whitneys I Will Always Love You its time Kevin Costner carried her out of your brain.)

    Gamelan is like musical crack. Claude Debussy, French Composer. got addicted to it and it changed his whole compositional style.

    Dont believe me? Then believe this really old guy, Jean Michel, that I met down in the Caribbean at a health spa. Jean is like 150, and he told me about his old pal Claudey D over margaritas, then during an herbal wrap, and then he finally stopped when he passed out during his Zinfandel colonics.

    Is Jeans tale apocryphal? We dont know. However, we do know it shows the power of gamelan on a classical composer.

    Jean Michel:

    If you dont think hearing some good gamelan will change your life, let me tell you about my old pal Debussy. Me and the Claude-homme used to hang, back in the day. Now I just hang. (sighs) It happened sometime after I hit 120 years old. I take Viagra, but all I get is stiff shoulders.

    Anyway, Claude had what the good ladies at Lourdes would call an epiphany the first time he ever heard a Javanese gamelan. He was so moved by the music, that he wanted to cut off his old ears and replace them with Indonesian ones. Luckily, I grabbed his knife, and smeared his ears with Brie so he couldnt find them.

    You see, it was in 1889 at the Paris International Exposition, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Claude and I were munching on baguettes and a round of Brie cheese, standing on the just completed Eiffel Tower, wondering how small Eiffel was in for him to have to create his huge edifice. (Before sports cars, architecture was how a man compensated.) And then we heard the music.

    That moment would influence my dear sweet Debussys music forever. Claude was so enthralled a nd transfixed, that he dropped the whole soft Brie on the floor, sullying it with pigeons fecal matter, and thus pissing me off even worse than when I see a crappy sparkling wine trying to pass itself off as champagne. If the vineyard is not in France, it is not champagne. It is a region, not bubbles!

    But back to the composer. Debussy spent the whole rest of the Exposition in that tent. Hed soil himself, didnt care, wouldnt leave until they were done.

    Even years after the experience, Claude wrote to our mutual friend, poet Pierre Louys, Do you remember the music of Java able to express every shade of meaning, even unmentionable shades . . . which make our tonic and dominant seem like ghosts, for use by naughty little children?

    By the way, Pierre was a true poet. You know back when the only things poets slammed were doors. There were no such things as rhyming dictionaries.

    Claude also wrote elsewhere, speaking of European percussion in contrast to the Gamelan, You have to admit that ours is no more than the primitive noises of a traveling circus.

    Naughty Children. Traveling Circus. Strong words, yes? So strong they have stood the test of time and are now the same phrases the French use to describe the politicians in the US.

    Yes, I am opinionated. Im 153 years old and French. Its my harsh searing judgment that keeps me alive. That and the blood of poodles. I drink eight ounces a day.

    Of course, Claude always felt that the primary goal of French music was to give pleasure to the listener. I agreed with him of course, I was never much for any music that gave me pain. Leave Simon on American Idol to suffer the pain of the bad music. Unlike him, I will not sacrifice my eardrums for money and a parade of ambling, ambient twinks i n my bedroom.

    But despite Claudes enthusiasm for the gamelan, I was never able to persuade him to put in actual gamelan scales, melodies, rhythms, or textures into his composition. He merely referred to them, always maintaining a structure and harmony that was solidly European. He emphasized the oriental flavor as it was called then -- as if music was something La Choy concocted. Examples of this is in his work Pagodas or the prelude to Canope.

    You see, the Claudey D couldnt go all the way into composing for gamelan because he had to pay the rent! He wrote his compositions with his audience in mind.

    And who was his audience? Wealthy, powerful Parisians. This group of self-satisfied Francophiles parented the children who would become the leaders of the Vichy government. You know the Vichy, they were the group that rolled over and took it in the derriere from Germany in World War 2. If a Frenchman were capable of self-hatred, we would direct it at th at stain on our history.

    Claude Debussy, who turned his back on Richard Wagners Teutonic tones, would have been appalled by the Vichy. However, like many a great artist, and unlike many a recent movie star, Claude was more focused on the creation of timeless art, not ego-filled politics.

    Debussy remarked that the school of the Javanese musician consists of the eternal rhythm of the sea, the wind in the leaves, and a thousand other tiny noises, which they listen to with great care.

    Is that not beautiful? Oh, how I miss the Deb. Luckily, I can still get drunk and listen to his music.

    Gamelan music according to Claude was concerned not with movement in time- with leading towards something-but with timelessness.

    The cycles in gamelan music represent a more Asian view of the vast cycles of history, of death and rebirth, cycles that are long, longer than my 153 years. Im a punk when it comes to those cycles. Cycles as my pal Buzz Lightyear says that go to infinity and beyond.

    Whoa! Look at my belly. Its amazing to me that I have liver spots bigger than my liver. Oh good, here comes the waiter with my poodle blood smoothie.

    That's what he said, pretty much verbatim. All I can say, is go check out some Debussy or some Gamelan and see what it does for you.

    Andrew Borakove is a Gong aficionado and media writer. He also is in charge of

    That is the only internet store devoted to Gongs and gamelan.

    Author:: Andrew Borakove
    Keywords:: Classical Music, Bali, Indonesia, Debussy, Gong, Asian Music, France, New Age Music
    Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

    Friday, April 27, 2012

    Eminem Slimshady

    Firstly revealed by the fable Dr.Dre, and then debut of the Eminem Show, his firstly set on Shady Recording label, already had most leading hiphop fans mad abount Marshall Mathers. Jam packed of powerful lyrical cuts that dig deep into the mentality of a pervertly warped but exceedingly exceptional rap artist, the raps contains some of the most non compromising and chilling controversal lyrics ever recorded. And the primary grounds for the immense profits of Marshall Mathers.

    Marshall Mathers perhaps summarizes his white hiphop artist name the best by saying Just sometimes one motherf***er makes it and finally that just happens to be me. It will have to be seen how long Eminem would be about, but his prospects sure have exceeded the man Eminem is most frequently equated with, Vanilla Ice. However he is not Slim shadys only enemy in the hip hop globe. Vanilla Ice told The Source recently that Slimshady raps like a girl adding I merely dont like that tiny screaky voice. Slim Shady also distinguishes himself from the Ice man by going on the attack against just about everybody in his raps.

    Eminem , was born October 17th, nineteen seventy two, may be probably the most controversial and recognized rap music rapper of this era, having the alias Slimshady. Slim Shady is perhaps better know for being one of the few revolutionising white rapper in the rap industry, not to mention one of most successful artists. Eminem is also notorious for the negative influence involving lots of his lyrics, that has been stated by critics to be racist, angry and dodgy.

    Eminem Slimshady

    Author:: Barry Hynes
    Keywords:: Eminem,Slim,Slimshady,marshall mathers,
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    Black Printmakers in South Africa

    Black printmakers have a long history in the South African art world. Many of South Africa's top Black artists, both past and present are also printmakers. Black printmakers who are established artists are survivors of the dysfunctional society that existed during the apartheid era and are a constant source of inspiration to a younger generation of Black printmakers.

    There are a few Black printmakers who worked almost exclusively in print. Among these are the late John Muafangejo (a Namibian artist), Dan Rakgoathe and Cyprian Shilakoe. All three artists played a valuable role in establishing a sound base for future generations of black printmakers to work on and their work is highly collectable. All three studied at the Rorkes Drift community art centre.

    Rorkes Drift was also the educational home of some of the country's top contemporary Black printmakers. Sam Nhlengethwa, Dumisani Mabaso and Tony Nkotsi all studied there. These artists continue to work in print and are involved in teaching the new generation of Black printmakers that includes Osiah Masekoameng, Trevor Theloe and Robert Maledu. The latter have all studied and worked at the Artist Proof studio, which is a community printmaking centre in Newtown, Johannesburg. The work produced at the studio tends to have a strong social message and is a way for the young artists here to explore issues of culture, tradition, politics and change.

    Nhlanhla Xaba was instrumental in establishing the Artist Proof Studio and until his tragic death in a fire that gutted the studio was producing some of the finest prints made by any Black printmaker or by any printmaker in the country for that matter. To view work by some of these artists please go to

    Tamar Mason, artist and writer focussing on original prints and investment art in Southren Africa

    Author:: Tamar Mason
    Keywords:: Black Printmakers, South African art, afr ican artists, limited edition prints, rorkes drift, Litho
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    Precious Stones The Big Five Part 4 The Diamond

    The Diamond is generally regarded as the premier gem in the world of precious stones.

    Of all the precious stones the Diamond has the simplest composition; it is merely crystallized carbon. The most common substance that is known, a substance that is present in every plant, animal and mineral on the earth.

    Diamonds come mostly from the mines in South Africa, but are also found in Brazil, India, Australia and even in the United States.

    The Diamond is the hardest substance known, being #10 on the Mohl scale, despite its hardness, the Diamond is not indestructible; Diamond will cut Diamond; it can be burned in the air, being carbon and will leave behind carbon dioxide gas.

    The facets of a cut Diamond can be worn away to some extent by the constant rubbing of clothing. The Diamond is also brittle, and can fracture if struck against a hard surface.

    Diamonds have a wide range of color; most numerous are the whites, yellows, and browns in a great variety of shades; then come the greens; red stones of strong tints are very rare, as are also blue, which have been found almost exclusively in India; other tints of occasional occurrence are garnet, hyacinth, rose, peach-blossoms, lilac, cinnamon, an d brown; black, rarities. Diamonds without tint or flaw are rare indeed and even most of the worlds famous Diamonds have imperfections.

    The origin of the Diamonds name is the Greek word adamas, meaning unconquerable; from the same root spring our words adamant and adamantine.

    The origin of the < b>Diamond, according to classical mythology, was its formation by Jupiter, who transformed into stone a man, Diamond of Crete, for refusing to forget Jupiter after he had commanded all men to do so.

    The Facts About Diamonds

    A Diamonds value is based on four criteria: color, cut, clarity, and carat. The clarity and color of a Diamond usually are graded. However, scales are not uniform: a clarity grade of slightly included may represent a different grade on one grading system versus another, depending on the terms used in the scale. Make sure you know how a particular scale and grade represent the color or clarity of the Diamond youre considering. A Diamond can be described as flawless only if it has no visible surface or internal imperfections when viewed under 10-power magnification by a skilled Diamond grader.

    As with other gems, Diamond weight usually is stated in carats. Diamond weight may be described in decimal or fractional parts of a carat. If the weight is given in decimal parts of a carat, the figure should be accurate to the last decimal place. For example, .30 carat could represent a Diamond that weighs between .295 - .304 carat. Some retailers describe Diamond weight in fractions and use the fraction to represent a range of weights. For example, a Diamond described as 1/2 carat could weigh between .47 - .54 carat. If Diamond weight is stated as fractional parts of a carat, the retailer should disclose two things: that the weight is not exact, and the reasonable range of weight for each fraction or the weight tolerance being used.

    Some Diamonds may be treated to improve their appearance in similar ways as other gemstones. Since these treatments improve the clarity of the Diamond, some jewelers refer to them as clarity enhancement. One type of treatment - fracture filling - conceals cracks in Diamonds by filling them with a foreign substance. This filling may not be permanent and jewelers should tell you if the Diamond youre con sidering has been fracture-filled.

    Another treatment - lasering - involves the use of a laser beam to improve the appearance of Diamonds that have black inclusions or pots. A laser beam is aimed at the inclusion. Acid is then forced through a tiny tunnel made by the laser beam to remove the inclusion. Lasering is permanent and a laser-drilled stone does not require special care.

    While a laser-drilled Diamond may appear as beautiful as a comparable untreated stone, it may not be as valuable. Thats because an untreated stone of the same quality is rarer and therefore more valuable. Jewelers should tell you whether the Diamond youre considering has been laser-drilled.

    Imitation Diamonds, such as cubic zirconia, resemble Diamonds in appearance but are much less costly. Certain laboratory created gemstones, such as lab-created moissanite, also resemble Diamonds and may not be adequately detected by the instruments originally used to identify cubic zirconia. Ask your jeweler if he has the current testing equipment to distinguish between Diamonds and other lab-created stones.

    Diamond jewelry: Diamond rings, Diamond earrings, Diamond wedding rings, Diamond wedding bands, Diamond necklace, Diamond watches, Diamond pendants and Diamond bracelets are some of the most sought after gemstone creations. Your eyes tell you how beautiful a piece of Diamond jewelry is, but how do you know you are getting your moneys worth?

    A little knowledge can go a long way to help you purchase a beautiful piece of Diamond jewelry at a fair price.

    When shopping for Diamond jewelry online, apply these tips.

    1.Shop with com panies you know or do some homework before buying to make sure a company is legitimate before doing business with it.

    2.Take advantage of information and referrals from an Internet company you have come to trust.

    3.Get the details about the product, as well as the merchant's refund and return policies, before you buy.

    4.Look for an address to write to or a phone number to call if you have a question, a problem or need help.

    The Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April.

    Sam Serio is an Internet Marketer, musician and a writer on the subject of jewelry and gemstones. For more information on jewelry and gemstones, we cordially invite you to visit to pick up your FREE copy of How To Buy Jewelry And Gemstones Without Being Ripped Off. Thi s concise, informative special report reveals almost everything you ever wanted to know about jewelry and gemstones, but were afraid to ask. Get your FREE report at

    Author:: Sam Serio
    Keywords:: Diamond, Diamond jewelry, Diamond ring,Diamond jewelry: Diamond rings, Diamond earrings, Diamond pen
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