Friday, May 13, 2011

The Angels that Kill

The book by Michael Shaara, The Killing Angels is more than fascinating in many different facets. I shall talk more about one of the characters that I feel very connected to.

Joshua Chamberlain was an extraordinary man in many different ways. For instance Chamberlain was in incredibly caring of others. Black, white, big, small, Chamberlain believed it made no difference. That no matter what color we are, were all human and need to be treated equally. On page thirty he makes two really marvelous quotes.

The first, Were an army going out to set other men free to even comprehend a thought like that you definitely have to care about people in general. The other quote he made was, What we're fighting for in the end is each other. Which pretty much pertains to the same idea.

Chamberlain is also a much respected man on page two hundred thirty three Colonel Rice asks Chamberlain if he can shake his hand, he then goes on to say that Chamberlains attack was one of the best he had ever seen. Throughout the book there are many characters who show a great admiration for Colonel Chamberlain. Kilran expresses that on page two hundred thirty one. Never served under a better man. Want you to know. Want to thank you. If thats not respect I dont know what is.

Another word I think describes Chamberlain is, exhausted. Hes been through so much during the duration of the war. From loosing hundreds of men to being shot a total of 6 times, just to name a few things. On page two hu ndred twenty one he tells Tozier how worn down his from the war. He's seen so many men die. I'd like to know how he handled it while keeping good head on his shoulders.

Chamberlain seems like a concerned fellow. On page twenty two he gives a grand speech and, then offers the men of the Second Maine food. Note that these were men he did not know. Men who were just moments before, given to him. Men he did not know would even serve under him. Joshua also shows his concern for the black man his men find. He gives him drink and gives him a surgeon after noticing a bullet wound. On page one hundred sixty nine he pats the man on the back and tells him everything will be ok. That segment showed me hat Chamberlain has a heart of gold, a deep compassion for the cause if this war.

A caring man, a respected man, a tired man, a compassionate man, and wise man at that. This professor was not only a great officer, but also a fantastic man. Through all his hard times, through all his good times he's a man of respect and honor. Everything good that came to him, he deserved 100%. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Colonel of the 20th Maine is an astonishing man in more ways then one. He is a role model to each and every individual of this free and limitless country. I can truly say I admire him.

Mary Anne Winslow is a member of Essay Writing Servicecounselling department team and a dissertation writing con sultant. Contact her to get free counselling on custom essay writing.

Author:: Mary Anne Winslow
Keywords:: Killing, Angels, Michael, Chamberlain
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