Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Should Prisons Have Color Televisions?

There are several theories on whether or not criminals should have color televisions. Some say it keeps the natives from rebelling and thus means less stress on prison guards and less labor, with fewer riots. Others such as victims of crimes are completely outraged and many taxpayers are also angry. Recently this subject was brought up in an online think tank and a think tanker stated;

As far as color TV, it has been shown that cooping up men all day with nothing to do breeds violence. This is problematic from a control standpoint, that is why there is program in prison - something semi-productive for the inmates to do so they are not selling drugs, engaging in general racketeering, raping or killing each other.

Indeed we know when human populations get too close together or too dense there is all sorts of behavior issues which come out. But that is true with all mammals really. Research even shows rats, reptiles, birds and insect populations do the same thing. As you talk about degrading humans in prison one has to ask; didnt they degrade society when they decided not to live by the basic rules set up for our population base?

If they have taken a stance, such as; they do not care and done a crime onto another then well, showing love or empathy does not make a lot of sense unless you wished to get backstabbed and repeat for failing to learn from the history of the pArticular individual in question. Shame on you, shame on me syndrome; First time and Next time.

Locking someone up all day and allowing them to kick back watch TV with not a care in the world? Well is that really a punishment that fits the crime? Isnt that a good way to institutionalize a human and then when they get out they a zero for productivity? The Prisons in the US are not rehabilitating a nyone and they are not working, is watching a color TV really the answer? Comment on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Prisons Have Color Televisions
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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