Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your 500Year Legacy

DaVinci has it, Michelangelo, Isaac Newton, Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus, too. Just about all of the founding religious icons, Shakespeare. Some folks are almost guaranteed to have it eventually. Folks like MozArt, Beethoven, Gandhi, Darwin, and a bunch more.

Its a 500 year legacy. A recognition of their lives 500 years after they walked the eArth. A testament to achievement, contribution and recognition by humanity.

The impetus for this Article came about when someone a sked me, what will be your legacy in 500 years? What will you be remembered for? Or will you, like billions of others, not be remembered at all?

The idea was made even more poignant when I recalled a line I use with my students to encourage them to write their life story. I ask them to write down the first names, thats all just the first names, of their eight great grandparents. The first names of eight people, significant to you, who walked this eArth 100 years ago. In some cases, they were around 50 years ago.

Ive yet to encounter anyone who can give me all eight. And frequently people cant even give me one.

So where will you be in the minds of people 100 years from now? And what will be your legacy in the year 2506. By the way, in 1506 the year 2006 was just as impossibly far away. But it arr ived, didnt it.

After looking at hundreds of people who had a 500 year legacy, some things became clear: it is possible, it will happen for many, you dont have to be either genius or prodigy, your past has little to do with it, you can be a simple truck driver or house cleaner and there are steps you can take to make it happen.

Focus on doing the one thing you love the most. This is something youd do even if you were never paid for it. Lets be outrageous and say you love making apple pies. Dont worry about money. The money will take care of itself.

Learn everything you can about your love. The history, the future, the problems, the thrills. You become as much of an apple-pie expert as you can. You love doing this because you love making apple pies.

Get your apple pies noticed. Make them for presidents, premiers and prime ministers. Any significant group that has a meeting should be treated to your apple pie. (If youre an Artist, the walls of the meeting room should hang your Art.) Today, we call it publicity, but throughout history it was just getting your work noticed.

Spread this accumulated knowledge in every way you can. Teach, talk, travel, trade. Not only do you have to get your message out, but youve got to show people why your message is important for them to have.

Your message becomes metaphor. The apple pie becomes symbolic of a life style, a mindset, a way of thinking and behaving, providing insights for people so they can have a better life and a better future.

And make sure you write your books. The books you write will give your efforts immortality. Theyll last long er than you, theyll spread faster than you and theyll provide the spark that will ignite your 500-year legacy.

Steve Manning is a master writer showing thousands of people how they can write their book faster than they ever thought possible. Heres your free Special Report,

Author:: Steve Manning
Keywords:: how to write a book
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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