Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lance Rants on the False Number of Homeless in America Being Reported

The World Media is claiming that there are 14-million homeless in America. That is absolutely absurd. In fact that is Bull. There are only 500,000 homeless, 1/3 by choice, 50% by drug and alcohol abuse, the rest will recover on their own. You do not have a friggin clue what you are talking about. Additionally we take care of our homeless. It is less that 1/6 of 1% of our population.

The World Media is purporting this as real, like so many other slanderous accusations against this great nation. Dear World Media; you are a liar. Sorry? Would you prefer; you have created yet another falsehood on in the world media to further promote your mass media hysteria agenda, too bad it is a lie; But is that the best you can do? Lie in order to slander America? Utterly ridiculous and such lack of integrity too. But with 300 million people in the US, if we did have 14 million or even 24 million that would still be less than the average in the World. And it would only be slightly ab ove those first world nations we talk about so much. So take your falsifying butts and stick that story up your arse.

Next up the World media purports that 80 million have no health care. Not even close, the number is less than half that, but let me remind you slanderous media whores that The United States has the cleanest environment in the free world. Personally I have not been to doctor in 20 years and I am perfectly fine, healthy and good. When you live at this level of standard of living and quality of life in the Greatest Nation in the History of Mankind, you just do not need that level of healthcare.

You lying media scoundrels are whores and cannot tell the truth to save your rear ends. Many of you are maniac depressants, and alcoholics; not to mention; anti-globalist, anti-Capitalism, Anti-free enterpise and anti-US. You simply make stuff up as you go and copy the rest from other eco-terrorists and Green Peace recruits. Stop lying about America. Thats wha t I think and these rants have been brought to you by Lance.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: False Number, Homeless in America, Being Reported
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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