Saturday, May 7, 2011

Acoustic Crowd Control

There are so many protests, which get out of hand and turn into Riots. It starts with a meaningful crowd with a legitimate grievance or upset from misinformation from the promoters of the protests. The group of humans exercising their freedom of speech shows solidarity by coming together in a common cause. This cause could be any number of things. Sometimes it serves the civilization in airing the situation rather than sweeping dirty problems under the fiber of our United States.

Typically most vocal groups are Black Americans, Anti-Capitalist and Gay Protestors, generally they start out fine, but somewhere along the way they start shouting and yelling and carrying on. Generally individuals in the group who cannot control them selves start throwing stuff, the groups become out of control because they themselves lack unity in their mission. Their mission changes dynamically into a mission of anger venting and rage. Unable to control the negative synergy of the group, these groups of humans always seem to turn radical and uncontrollable. If left to their own devices without re-channeling that energy they will turn to Violence and destruction of property.

As we watch in other nations as such radical Islamic groups protest and start Burning of flags and scarecrow type bad art of real people, we cannot believe what we see. Yet in our own nation we have had Black Riots and unruly and out of control male gay protestors do the same things. I therefore propose using acoustic crowd control devices which will be non-lethal but put the fear of god back into them and send them to the ground in paid, if they start Violence against police, riot or start Burning stuff.

Freedom of speech is one thing, but these events show us that we have a severe problem with folks who just do not understand what this country is about. Dont kill them, but lets draw the line and hold that line with acoustic Pain crowd control devices if they get out of hand. Think on this, I am tired of watching these ridiculous protests.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: non lethal, Pain, Acoustic Crowd Control, Blacks, Gays, Riots, Violence, Burning, islamic radicalist
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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