Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sovereignty and NationStates

Human society has passed a long way of evolution from a primitive tribe to well-developed democratic national states. In the process of its development the state changed its form from a provisional union of several tribes to the state which unites representatives of one or more nations and nowadays the problem of sustaining of the national identity and sovereignty among other countries arises. Generally speaking, sovereignty always played a very important role for any nation in the world but nowadays some countries tend to refuse from their sovereignty if not completely then pArtially. As an example may be named European countries which formed the European Union and they have to sacrifice a pArt of their sovereignty for the common European interests sake.

However, many specialists estimate that European example may be hardly followed by other countries, mainly non-European, and the current situation proves this point of view to certain degree. Nowadays, we observe a very complicated situation when economical processes acquire global character and we have to admit that the number of countries which have common economical interests growth. Moreover, in certain cases we can speak about the integration of economics of different countries though this degree differs significantly. Naturally, the economical cooperation is traditionally followed by political one, by creation of different political international organizations or alliances but we should realize where the international cooperation ends and stArts national interests or sovereignty. For many countries the notion of sovereignty is exceptionally important, there is nothing else more important than national independence. However, the example of Europe proves that not all countries are so rigid in their views on the problem of sovereignty. So, I would like to try to explain this phenomenon and find out whether it is possible for other countries to follow the example of Europeans.

As for the reasons why European countries preferred the European Union to their sovereignty and independence are quite obvious. First of all, it was historically determined because Europe probably has the greatest experience in the development of state and finally, in the end of the 20th century they came to the idea of unity which they successfully realized. Personally I think that the main reason for the creation of such union was economical integration. Europe, having one of the most de veloped economy in the world used to have a lot of borders that naturally retarded the development of economic relations within Europe and made goods and services more expensive for customers. Thus, for Western Europe it was necessary to abolish all obstacles on the way to free trade. Consequently, when geographical borders disappeared then the problem of unique legislation was aroused and the best solution of such problem is the union. As a result Europeans, being culturally, ideologically, historically, and finally economically close to each other and having deep rooted democratic traditions, which permit the local community to remain a relatively free and independent unit, were united in the European Union.

However, the European Union is a unique organization and we can hardly find any other similar country or union. Despite, the existence of numerous international economic alliances and organization still no other countries but European are ready to loose at least the pArt of their sovereignty. For instance, countries of both North and South America have quite strong economical links but they are not united as Europeans are, the same may be said about Asian countries and countries of Oceania. The main reason of why other countries do not follow the example of the EU is the fact that their level of development is different, as well as their political regimes, they have different historical traditions and different purposes and views on their further development. For instance, if we take a look at the Northern America we will see that the US would hardly agree to any union if they didnt dominate within it, because being the only superpower this country does not have any reasons to loose its sovereignty, otherwise it would be interpreted as absurd, for the country that can di ctate its will to any country in the world would always attempt to sustain its position.

A bit different situation is with some oriental countries such as China. This country used to be a colony of either its neighbors or Japan for a long time and finally when it got the independence it would not make a move in the direction to its lost because the price Chinese paid for it seems to be too high, pArticularly if we take into consideration what prospects China has. I mean that this country may become a regional or maybe world leader and a counterpArt of the US in the struggle for world domination. Consequently, any alliances that threat its indepe ndence are unacceptable for China because of its history and future prospects.

Furthermore, there are some countries where the sovereignty is of a vital importance because for their leaders and the ruling elite it would be a disaster. I think that this statement does not really need any evidences because I cant imagine that Libya, for instance, ruled by M. Caddafi or Cuba, headed by F. Castro, would agree to give up their sovereignty because in such a case the leaders, or we may say dictators, of these countries would definitely loose their power or at least its significant pArt.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned I can say that the EU is a unique phenomenon and at least nowadays there are no other countries which are ready to follow their experience because they lack those conditions which were created in Europe and among the most important factors I would name the diversity cultural, political, economical, and inequality of the development of other countries. The unification is possible only when all members of the union are practically equal and what is not less important they are really democratic that make the union not a threat to the existing nation states and their traditions, culture, economical and social status, etc. but a power that could lead all its members to prosperity.

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Author:: Aaron SchwArtz< br> Keywords:: Sovereignty and Nation-States
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