Friday, August 12, 2011

Truth or Lie

Do you know someone that loves to tell stories whether it is the truth or not. Or someone who would rather lie than to tell the truth because he wants to look good to his pals. Have you ever noticed that when you are telling someone a story, that there is always someone in the crowd that has to have a story to top your story. One of those people that has been there and done that no matter what it is. Are you one of those people that listens to every word and believes every thing someone says or are you a doubtful one? Is he or she telling a tale or did this really happen.

If you know the person pretty well, then you may be able to tell the difference between the truth and a made up story. Here are a couple tips that may help you in determining the difference. First, if it is a made up story or if the person is lying his actions are different than a normal true story. If the person gets overly excited telling the story, most likely, it is just that, a story. Most times when a person tells a story, he doesn't get overly excited and jumping all around like a nut.

Does his face get all red when you ask him questions and does he stumble for an answer? Then most times, you can tell, it is made up. Does he shrug his shoulders in a strange way and act like he doesn't care what you think? Most likely, it is a lie. Does he get all upset when you ask him about something he said that proves that it was made up? Then again, it was made up.

Does he look you in the eyes when he is talking to you, or does he have shifty eyes? Another lie. People that can't look you in the eye when talking to you are most likely not telling the truth.

When a person is telling a lie or a tall story, their actions change, from the way they talk to the body language, to the eye contact. So don't take every ones word for it. Let them tell their story and laugh behind their back. That person is starving for attention, or, he may be one that has to be the center of attention.


Author:: Lenore Chapman
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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