Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Not Reimburse African Americans for Slavery?

There seems to be a huge debate in the United States whether or not we should reimburse African-Americans for the abuse during slavery. Why not give them millions of dollars each to make up for the problems that were caused any inequities, which occurred? Why not give all African-Americans restitution dollars for that terrible stain on our American heritage?

Well it is simple, you see, at the time it was not against the law to have slaves in the South. No one can debate in the present period that this is incorrect thinking, however at the time that is the way it was. That was then and this is now? I just cannot see how those living now must pay for the non-law breakers then. Silly stuff to even think this is a viable argument.

And additionally we should also consider that the African-Americans who arrived in the New World were sold into slavery by their own villages and tribes. If a tribal leader sold their people into slavery then they are just as much to bl ame as the American plantation owners that bought them. And this should be considered to. In fact perhaps we can offer freely land in Africa to those African-Americans who live here who would rather go back to their homeland.

It seems unbelievable that we are actually addressing this issue of reimbursing African-Americans for something that happened generations ago when there is no one alive today who should be held responsible for it. In fact getting money to African-Americans is not fair to all the other people who came here from somewhere else and were exploited as cheap labor and treated very poorly. Perhaps we should consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Reimburse African Americans for Slavery
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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