Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Few More of My Quotations

Christianity would be helpless without the idea of freewill, and the idea of freewill would be helpless without incongruity.

It is human to search for the theory of everything, and it is superhuman to find it.

The Universe is empty without Truth and Truth is hollow without Reason.

The most courageous speculation is beyond knowledge, and the most profound speculation is beyond reason.

Light may be a wave as well as a particle. That is not so relevant. What really matters is that it is a form of spatial illusion to non-spatial observer/s.

Matter is non-spatial feeling/s, and Energy is the inherent capacity of the universe to make matter exist.

The worst mockery God can make of a moralist is that He compels him to be a solipsist.

A civilised mind is built up on intellectual and moral foundations, instilled with the universal doubt and inspired by pure love.

All feelings are ideas. All ideas may exist as feelings. But all ideas a re not necessarily always feelings.

Peremptoriness is philosophers devil.

The world may be imperfect, but the universe is perfectly perfect.

Life is not designed to be moral, and it is not desirable to be immoral.

God is a relentlessly challenging, a profoundly instructive, and an intensely felonious mind.

Nothing is preternatural. It is merely our understanding that is precarious.

Every proposition is a matter of speculation.

Necessity is the ethnicity of truth.

God may be conscientious, but He is surely not sympathetic.

Reality is reasons workshop.

It is better to be poor than to be rich with a hefty moral burden of poverty around you.

Human life ought to be a consequence of some lively superhuman non-spatial computation.

The universe is a composite of two sorts of minds: mind at rest and mind in action, where the former is Truth and the latter is Feeling.

I tend not to hate for I tend not to ign ore. Rather, I strive to love for I strive to understand.

An Englishman is a person who sacrifices his Englishness for the occasion of being inside a church.

The vile saga of crime may, at a point in time, end up in the entire humanity being in prison.

God has put Man in prison for a crime never done.

Envy loves modesty; virtue merely respects it.

God is kind, but evil is intelligent.

Angel walks; Evil crawls.

In astrological terms, Americans are Aries, Spanish are Taurus, French are Gemini, Australians are Cancer, Israelis are Leo, English are Virgo, Greeks are Libra, Pakistanis are Scorpio, Italians are Sagittarius, Germans are Capricorn, Russians are Aquarius, and Indians are Pisces.

I have an amazingly romantic, and yet an intensely heartbreaking feeling that this thing called consciousness is so profoundly peculiar that there just can be nothing else like it. I might, therefore, be the only mind in the universe, insanely p ondering over things that simply do not exist.

Faith is the eighth deadly sin they forgot tell you.

The invention of the NSTP (Non Spatial Thinking Process) theory is the most difficult thing I have ever done.

Modern Science began with acceptance of space; Superultramodern Science began with just the opposite.

I am convinced that an electronic machine, no matter how smart and intelligent, being still a mere spatial structure in concept, can neither innovate nor even understand the axiom: No spatial structure can be a representation of any feeling. Such innovation can only be a work of a non-spatial mind, like a human being, and only such innovation, it should be acknowledged, can pave the way for further scientific achievements.

A most heartfelt is the experience of learning about a great soul striving for its goal.

Ambition tends to be ungrateful.

My greatest hope is any knowledge, and my greatest fear is universal doubt.

Tim e is patient for the impatient, and impatient for the patient.

All religions are equally true and equally false, for they all are multiple aspects of a more profound singular structure.

Life is so intelligent, meaningful, and, above all, a supreme design, that death would simply make it look absurd. It may thus be sensible to disavow death.

Terror has a soft voice and a harsh language.

God is an uncompromising terrorist preaching an unanswerable question.

In school, I was no good at geometry. Besides, it took me around ten more years to learn that the universe itself has no geometry.

One never gets too many things in life, for if one does, it would be too heavy for one to even proceed.

India is a land where politeness is cowardliness and a cow gains much more respect than a human.

In Cambridge, I had had a golden opportunity to confirm my age-old belief that Man is not as intelligent as He is portrayed to be.

Some men hav e kind heart and shrewd mind; some have shrewd heart and kind mind.

It is better to have shrewd mind than shrewd heart.

A rich person is the one who has a tendency to accuse oneself of being poor, and a poor person is the one who has a tendency to hail oneself as rich.

Man lost his innocence with a tide of information.

A human who does not mourn death of a fellow human is either cynic or solipsistic.

Man is a fanatic animal.

A negligible numerical difference between human genes makes a great philosophical difference between human beings: one is Hitler; another is Gandhi.

I would never fly with French Airways for whats the guarantee that the pilot doesnt sleep while flying!

There is nothing I do not doubt.

Nothing qualifies to be beyond doubt.

The man who regrets a tragedy in drama is sentimental, and the man who doesnt regret a tragedy even in the world is intelligent.

Wise men are faithless.

Morality is a matter of emotion, nobility is a matter of thought, and justice is a matter of action.

Truth is static, and matter is dynamic.

Trust is a virtue of the imprudent, and faith that of the insane.

Trust is misled belief, and faith is misled trust.

If I were to have any religion I would see it in the universal doubt.

Doubt is wise mans religion.

Insanity proclaims itself to be virtuous in being faithful.

Religions, themselves, are intellectual blasphemies.

Though it was the beginning of the year 2006, I was still in 27AD.

India is a land of evolutionary immigration and America is a land of revolutionary immigration.

A prison is a model of the world.

Life may be fair, but it could certainly be fairer.

Spatial life is intricate, but trivial; Non-spatial life is simple, but profound.

Destiny is ineluctable.

Man is more intelligent than the other animals only because the concepts He is intelligent at are inherently more intelligent than the concepts the other animals are intelligent at. It may be that all animals are far more intelligent than humans. However, as they know that all of it is ultimately going to be in vain, they keep quiet, and continue doing their business.

The universe needs a metamorphosis, but, in the first place, Man needs one.

Assuming human races exist, one human race may, on average, be superior to another human race, but every person from the superior race cannot necessarily be superior to every person from the inferior race. Those who do not recognise this fact are pure-racialists, and those who do are pseudo-racialists.

To every human (in general, non-superhuman) feeling, there is a higher superhuman feeling.

Matter follows Truth.

Doubt is my religion and knowledge is my God.

Experience is dumb.

I hope that death is the end of doubt and the beginning of knowledge.

To understand Man, one has to b e, at least, Man; to understand God, however, one has to be God.

Professionalism is nothing but a crude insistance on the mechanization of mankind.

Heart is love that pumps, and penis is a pump that loves.

Heart is pumping love, and penis is a loving pump.

The idea of freewill is an epiphenomenon of the spontaneous overconfidence of the thing called self which, moreover, by its inherent nature, is a wonderful delusion to itself.

Surrounding the heavenly oasis of knowledge and peace there is a huge desert of doubt and bloodshed.

God is Evil, and vice versa.

A kind heart has a liberal hand; a magnanimous heart has an extravagant one.

History is all red and green; Future is merely black and white.

Man is yet to know freedom.

Existence is mysterys ultimate masterpiece.

Life is liveable for it is gratified, and thinkable for it is mystified.

All the world is a non-spatial computer game, and all the men and wo men merely spatial images.

The universe is a non-spatial matrix.

Kedar Joshi - Superultramodern Science / Philosophy

Author:: Kedar Joshi
Keywords:: Superultramodern, Philosophy, Science, Quotations
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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