Sunday, August 14, 2011

Exploiting Insect Swarm Weakness to Stop Them

When looking at a killer bee swarm or locust swarm it is interesting indeed the level of sophistication they have, when you stArt getting up close and personal. In fact what appears to be a chaotic mess and in the case of a locust plague literally a problem of biblical proportions may actually be quite well refined. One online think tank recently considered this issue.

Warren States; If you did discover that single swarm related weakness and exploited it, think of the leverage we, as a species would enjoy over these nasty little creatures, think of the plague locusts are in African countries.

Indeed and I personally had considered a way to steer them, previously from most writings prior to your contacting me. I believe we can steer them and even use them to serve our will in battle against an enemy or to make energy, create methane or cut the grass. So, I see a cooperative possibility using steering techniques. But for those plagues, which devastate the land, surely we need to stop that forthwith.

Warren states; Think of the tone in the voices of those UN folks who film the onslaught, the narrator on the Discovery Channel as they view the oncoming destruction and mention that of course there is nothing any of us humans can do about it.

In the Discovery Channel Feature on Locust Plagues, I found some interesting information as they followed them by air and when I watched this I thought, hmm? Well we could stop them. But not with little crop dusters, no way. We need massive fire-power and of course it goes without saying that we need to exploit their weakness if we are to stop them. No doubt about it. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Exploiting Insect Swarm Weakness, to Stop Them
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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