Friday, August 12, 2011

King Rama V the Great Beloved King

King Rama V or King Chulalongkorn (1853 1910) was the monarch who steered Thailand clear of colonization and initiated the Chakri Reformation to put Thailand on the road to modernization.

King Chulalongkorn was appointed king at the age of fifteen after the death of his father King Mongkut in 1868. Chao Phraya Suriyawong acted as regent until the young king was twenty and old enough to ascend the throne in 1873.

With the benefit of a Thai and western education, King Rama V was well equipped for his future role. His English tutor was Anna Leonowens, whose controversial memoirs were to cause deep offence to the Thais a century later. This education however, enabled him, like his father, to grasp the prevailing international political situation, which was then dominated by the western colonial powers.

The reign of King Rama V was fraught with extreme difficulties. The greatest threat to the kingdom was the growing demands of Britain and France , which threaten the independence of Thailand. He knew it would be disastrous to stand up to the gunboat diplomacy of these powers. Well aware of dangers of closing up the country, he wisely chose to do what we would now call constructive engagement.

Internally Thailand faced the problem of border provinces that threaten the integrity of the kingdom. Determined to modernize and strengthen Thailand against these threats, King Rama V stArted a series of reforms that became known as the Chakri Reformation.

In the first 10 years of his reign he faced stiff resistance from the old ruling families who were jealously guarding their vested interests. The young king shrewdly waited for the old guard to outlive their time.

King Rama V realized that diplomacy had to be conducted directly with w estern governments and not with their colonial counterpArts in Asia, who were more in favor of extending territorial influence. By skillful diplomacy, King Rama V balanced London and Paris off against their colonial governments in Asia and one foreign power off against the other.

As pArt of his modernization program, King Rama V implemented several changes to the government.

Civil service In 1888, the ministries responsible for various regions were reorganized along functional lines. More ministries and a civil service school were added. A cabinet was formed in 1892 to formulate national policy. Commoners were accepted on merit and not family connections. By the gradual staffing of new blood, King Rama V broke up the dominance of the old ruling families.

Finance - Collection of state revenue was centralized at the Ministry of Finance instead of at individual ministries. Other reforms included a central budget system, an audit system and the separation of the King's finances from the state.

Foreign Affairs King Rama V appointed the brilliant Prince Devawongse as the first Minister of Foreign Affairs. Known as the father of Thai foreign affairs, Prince Devawongse was instrumental in neutralizing the demands of Britain and France.

Military The army was reorganized along the lines of a modern army with the establishment of a military academy and military conscription in 1902.

Education Generations of young men of common birth were educated overseas. National education was conducted in standardized Central Thai instead of local dialects. Besides stressing religio n, the system reinforced loyalty to a single king.

Infrastructure In 1883 telegraph services were established, followed by the first railway in 1891, roads, housing, postal services and an irrigation system for the central plains. The kingdom was opened up to foreign expertise and foreign education.

Social reforms On ascending the throne in 1873, King Rama V abolished slavery. This was implemented in stages to reduce the social impact and forced labor was completely eradicated by 1905. The king also held public audiences to allow the people to speak directly to the king.

King Rama V traveled abroad extensively in Asia and Europe to see at first hand modern government. He was convinced that Thailand needed European technology but not at the expense of Thai tradition and independence. His far-reaching reforms reflected a vision years ahead of his time.

By 1910, Thailand remained uncolonised. But the price was heavy: the loss of half a m illion sq km of territory on the borders with Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Malaya; the loss of tax revenues from extra-territorial rights of Europeans in Thailand who were exempt from Thai taxes and laws.

King Rama V died on 23 October 1910. Widespread national mourning followed his death. That day has been declared the day of the Great Beloved King. As one of the most revered monarchs in Thai history, his photograph is displayed in many Thai homes, companies and shops to this day.

The King Rama V Equestrian Monument, where thousands flock on 23 October every year to pay homage to him, stands to the south of Dusit Garden, the palace created by him. It's a monument to a great king who left his legacy in the history of Bangkok and Thailand.

King Rama V first appeared in Tour Bangkok Legacies a historical travel site on people, places and events that shaped the landscape of Bangkok. The author Eric Lim, a free-lance writer, lives in Bangkok Thailan d.

Author:: Eric Lim
Keywords:: King Rama V, King Chulalongkorn, Chakri dynasty, Chakri Reformation, Dusit Garden
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