Sunday, August 14, 2011

Truth About Homeless Statistics

Many people decry the homeless situation in the United States, yet fail to realize that the homeless rate in the United States per capita is one of the lowest if not the lowest in the World. Our homeless rate in the US is less than three tenths of one-percentile. Recently a French Canadian had an issue with this claiming that Capitalism causes homelessness. He cited the number of Homeless in America.

Unfortunately the uninformed chap had estimated the number a ten-times the actual in the United States. His estimates were more in line with the number of Homeless in Quebec. In fact many of the homeless in Canada migrate to the United States to stay warm, often hitching a ride to the United States on over the road trucks or trains. Some of the homeless we have in America are actually forgotten Canadian citizens.

Since I happen to be up on the actuality and reality of Homeless in America let me tell you what I have learned. I have noticed that about 30% of the peop le who are homeless wish to be homeless. 45% have insane addiction issues and mentally affected. 10% want to get off the street. 15% will get off the street on their own and find a way. Perhaps need a little help. In the US the homeless rates are about 1/3 of 1 percent. So, for the homeless it is really bad, but as a percentage it is one of the lowest in the World in the US. This is one reason we are being infiltrated by illegal aliens from China, Mexico and other places.

Now I ask my Canadians friends be honest with yourselves; What are your statistics there? I suppose if the Canadians will tell the truth about their statistics for the homeless we will find that the issues are worse. Capitalism pushes people up and socialism pushes people down and that is the truth. Canadians need to stop sticking their French pointed noses up in the air and take whiff of their own reality. The United States is the greatest nation in the history of mankind and that is the truth. Our s tatistics of the lack of homeless in our nation are simply one more proof positive of that fact. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Truth About Homeless Statistics
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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