Monday, August 29, 2011

Copper Keels and Red Ochre

Copper Keels:

Nature provides varying resources in different pArts of the world. In Ireland the use of leather in boat-building made sense. Leather craft going underwater led to glass or other submersibles to reach sunken ships in the time of Alexander and the designs some people think are alien craft on the Lascaux Caves are most likely leather submersibles. The hardwoods of Central and South America allowed for some truly fantastic big ships to be hollowed out of very large trees. Ironwood is heavier than concrete and it is even possible that they used concrete on ship hulls or to build ships with the geopolymerized technology that Pliny reports, and scholars did not understand, so the scholars failed to properly translate his writing. If 9,000 years ago the people of the Aleutians and the copper route were able to use ivory bearings in two or four man crafts that cut a catamaran type wake which Scientific American says exceeds our present technology, then you can imagine almost anything.

The use of copper sheeting on hulls and keels extended the life of wooden crafts in warm waters where boring beetles destroy any wooden craft. This allowed the Phoenicians or those who built ships that could travel the whole world a great advantage. They also had above deck windlass type technology to keep planked hulls intact during storms. These two things made larger ships more durable and feasible. The Murrhine vases for turning salt water potable would have been a huge advantage. It is not lost on me that the very name of these vases includes the name Mu just as Troys real name does.


The supposed worship of the Sun in many ancient cultures was also a worship of the Son of God which we all can actualize. Thomas Huxley argued the position of science well in his confrontations with the churchian Wilberforce and I admire the Huxley clan. In many ways Aldous Huxley was a groundbreaking observer of real science rather than the Kuhn constructs Fuller prefers anarchy over. I love to read how Aldous was excited to get the first hand accounts of Joseph Campbell walking on the healing fire of the Japanese shamanistic Shinto priests. There are many Eranos attendees like Jung and Campbell who are excellent scholars and well respected authors including Eliade and Daisetz Suzuki.

I remember Aldous Huxley talking to me through a long evening, and his white hands held into the fire, saying, This is what transforms. These are the legends that show it. Above all, the legend that the Phoenix is reborn in the fire, and lives over and over again in generation after generation. Fire is the image of youth and blood, the symbolic colour is the ruby and cinnabar From which the alchemist got Mercury., and in ochre and hematite with which men pai nt themselves ceremonially. (14)

But was it just ceremonial? No! Hematite is still important to the Art of crystal therapy. It is naturally able to generate energy in tune with the EArth Energy Grid that we all are impacted by even though we cant see it. Ochre is found on the bones of the far older modern human (by at least 20,000 years) called the Mungo Man. It may actually be cinnabar but archaeologists are not alchemists and usually dont believe in the Philosophers Stone which required cinnabar.

The Beothuk painted themselves with the ochre they received in payment from Phoenicians involved in the Old Copper Route to Lake Superiors uniq ue and pure ore deposits before the advent of widespread smelting. LAnse Amour is an archaeological site that shows where they were in the 5th Millennium B.C. They had moved when the water flow changed after years of the eArth adjusting to the miles of glacial ice that had been on top of it. The Beothuk had a unique watercraft most like the northern Europeans such as the Irish. They were as tall as the Adena who came from the Poverty Point location of the Keltic Phoenician Red Heads who are like the Red Headed Mummies of Urumchi. But they were called redskins before the Canadian Government or other authorities put a bounty on their heads and the 19th Century saw their demise just as the Kelts of Easter Island and New Zealand were eradicated. Earlier than that it was far worse for the remnants of the Brotherhood o f Man whose leaders understood the nature of the Solar Deity as a mere representation of a science average people were unwilling to devote the time required to grasp. It wasnt just libraries that were burned at the stake. I hope you can see that if no other scholar has written about red ochre in this way and few point out the massive advantages the copper keel would provide, that it is a reflection on academia and the nature of those who keep secrets.

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Red Ochre, Mercury and aluminum, The 'Stone'
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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