Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Oldest Profession No Not that One!

In his Australia day speech, Prime Minister John Howard called for a return to the Teaching of History as a Narrative in our schools. Mr Howard deplored the current emphasis by classroom teachers on ISSUES, with the facts often heavily revised to fit politically correct fashions of the day. The PM also criticised the lack of any connective material between the records of nation-building in Australia and the European civilizations which were the incubators of our modern society.

I think that these errors arose from well-intentioned efforts by teachers to counter the twin monsters that stalked their curriculum in the past. On the one hand, boredom smothered any interest that might be found in the endless list of British kings enlivened by nothing but their dates to be memorised for exam day. On the other hand, the overwhelming presence of the USA in news headlines and pop Culture resulted in Australian youth knowing more about American History than their own. We cannot fault Americans for this. They were acting on the truth known by every great Teacher from Buddha to Jesus:To teach, you must first Entertain.

Long before lawyers, prior to the priesthood, millennia before that misnamed 'oldest' service, one professional was treasured by all in his tribe, even though he 'toiled not, neither did he spin.'

In a time before memory, people huddled around their campfires and watched the orange flames of light flicker on the face of the Storyteller. In the Culture of that most ancient hunter/gatherer society - the Australian Aborigines - his title was Songman. His duty was to memorise the importa nt events and individuals in the life of the tribe. More than that, he had to impress these facts onto the memory of each member of the group, so they would know who they were and how they should behave for the benefit of the whole group.

People cannot pay attention to a lecture when their ears are straining to catch the first warning cough of a leopard lurking in the blackness beyond the fire or if they are mesmerised by dreams envisioned in the dancing flames.To distract them from their fears and their fancies, the historian must catch their attention in a net of Story. Once Upon A Time...

Dorothy Gauvin

Dorothy Gauvin is an internationally acclaimed Australian painter in oils who specialises in an epic theme of Australia's pioneers.She is also the author of what may be the only novel ever published about Australia's 'Secret Civil War' of the 1890s,'Traveller's Luck,' available online. See images of her 'Life-Story' portraits of fascinating and success ful people,limited edition prints of Outback heroes and horsemen,plus tips and advice for aspiring artists and collectors on her website at http://www.gauvin.com.au

Author:: Dorothy Gauvin
Keywords:: Teaching,History,Narrative,Entertain,Storytelling,political correctness,Tribal,Culture,PM John Howar
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