Thursday, August 4, 2011

Female Magazines Audience

Fireworks and a number thirty-two is a magazine column created for amusement of the Audience of such Magazines as Pink, Oprah, and Cosmopolitan. These Magazines attract a Female Audience, aged between twenty and thirty-five, who take an interest in fashion, beauty and modern lifestyles. In addition, Females are commonly known for their fascination with gossip, and Magazines such as Company provide an abundance of scandal and gossip stories for women to feast on.

Magazines such as those mentioned frequently offer a commonality of experience for their Audience; problem pages and real-life stories all provide an insight into the life of a conventional workingwoman. This is a method I decided to adopt in order for my Audience to relate to my character by exploring the commonality of experiences, which provides the Audience with a comical reassurance of their everyday lifestyle.

Theories indicate that Audience s posses the need for reinforcement of self-understanding and indulgence, thus they find comfort in the media and compare their own lives to those portrayed in pieces such as this.

This particular extract relies upon the Audiences ability to identify the true meaning of the phrase the green mile, and apply it to the situation in the article. The phrase the green mile typically has connotations with jail The effect of employing such techniques is firstly, that the unusual positioning of such a phrase is incongruous within the context, and thus it has a comedic value. Secondly, the mental exercise of successfully decoding and interpreting the phase within the context of the story, results in Audience gratification; the tongue in cheek concept of look how clever we are.

In order to create an enjoyable, hopefully humorous read for the Audience, I used a mixture of formal, colloquial and taboo language. Lexis and phrases such as ugly mug, fan-bloody-tastic and yknow are examples of colloquial and slang vocabulary. The use of words such as these emit a familiar ambience to the reader; the article talks their language. Lexis such as incidentally and ensemble provide a balance between a relaxed, chatty tone and a formal, professional one. The mixture of colloquial and formal language encourages a personal interaction between the reader and writer and constantly toughens the degree of trust the writer has for the reader; t his permits the writer to push the boundaries of the genre to its extremities. The concoction of a variety of tones and subjects establish the readers desire to become part of the sub-group that these Magazines and articles have created.

I purposely used the conventions of conversational speech in my article to encourage an interaction between my character and the reader. The use of conversation conventions is that the Audience can easily understand how my character feels, and it gives the piece a friendly, convivial quality. Throughout the article I consistently used hyperbole, for example escape from the crime scene for a desperately needed injection of nicotine. The use of exaggerated language and long sentences accurately convey my characters lifestyle. The long complex sentences have a fas t, rushed pace and this characteristic of my article reflects my characters emotions and personality.

The use of dramatic, action lexis such as wrestled, exploded and fought further emphasise my characters stressful lifestyle and create suspense as to how her problems will be resolved.

There are a variety of lexical fields used within my feature, some of which include religion, modern technology, celebrity and brands. The use of introducing and mixing religious terminology with celebrity names is unexpected within the context of this article for example: I heard the angels chorus commence as I looked towards the end of the road; a bus bearing angel wings and a halo, flew around the corner and descended into my stop. This incongruity of using phrases such as those above, give the column its comedic effect; because the word or phrased is used in an unpredicted context it becomes humorous.

The article was produced by Research Papers expert writer. Mar Anne Win slow has a vast experience in Dissertation writing counselling and term paper writing services for several years.

Author:: Mary Anne Winslow
Keywords:: Female, Magazines, Audience
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