Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are World Leaders Crazy for Leading Us to War?

Many are saying in the civilian populations that they do not war, that they want peace and do not wish to go fight and/or die. So, then since the people do not wish to fight; are all the world leaders crazy for leading us to war? One political analyst states;

In my opinion they all crazy I think they should take all politicians to the desert and let them kill each other then maybe the world come to peace.

Interesting point and indeed Politicians should work much harder to find common ground; unfortunately you cannot negotiate with terrorists or nation states who sponsor International Terrorism. It is nearly impossible to negotiate with fundamentalists. Therefore the blame must be solely placed on the shoulders of the Iranian President in his unwillingness to get along in the world.

Additionally when war does come and when it does it will be swift, the blood of dead humans will be on the hands of the President of Iran, indeed some might even be his own. Th at is the true tragedy of this potential future. Do we blame all politicians then or just the radical ones who insist on pushing mankind to the brink of war? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: World Leaders Crazy, Leading Us to War
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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