Thursday, May 5, 2011

Going Back in Time

Have you ever wished you could go back in Time for just one day. Say maybe for a family reunion, or Thanksgiving dinner, or Christmas dinner. Remember those days when everyone would get together at Grandma's house. Kids running around the house, grown-ups all trying to talk at the same Time. All the guys talking about sports, or hunting. Grandma and mom and all the grown girls in the kitchen trying to help Grandma cook dinner, which she refuses to let anyone help. You just sit and watch those magic fingers working with the food, hoping you can cook as good as her when you grow up.

And the food, wow, Grandma could make the best of everything. The fun Time is eating all the food. You want to try everything, knowing you will have a tummy ache when you are done. Everyone's at the dinner table. Grace is said, and the food starts to circle around the table. Oh how it all looks so good, and taste so good. Men still talking about their hunting trip or about the fo otball game coming on in a couple hours. The women talking about the food and trying to get Grandma to give up some of her secret recipes. Oh and the kids talking about the newest toy they got or the bicycle ride they take with their little friends. What fun we had back then.

Now a days most everyone does their own thing. How many Times do you hear someone say that they are going to Grandma's for dinner on Sunday after church, or Thanksgiving is at Grandma's, or Aunt and Uncle so and so, or we will all gather at so and so's house for Christmas fun? You don't hear that too often. Everyone seems to do their own thing now a days. Family tradition isn't like it use to be. You are lucky that you can get your own kids to hang around on a holiday or even take Time out from their busy day of nothing, to even sit down and have dinner with you.

It is a shame that families don't get together anymore. Once a family member passes on, you wish you would have spent more T ime with him or her. We are all guilty of that, even me.

I live out of state away from all my family and when I go home to visit we try to have atleast one day that everyone in my family gets together, it's fun. We sit around and catch up on everything that has happened since the last Time you saw them. And the reminiscencing, everyone seems to remember something that you forgot about long ago. Oh ,how much fun that can be. You really don't want it to end.

You never know when something will happen, we all need to fit the family in our lives again. Once they are gone, it is over, you can't visit them again. So I am saying, we all need to make some family traditions now. It is never to late to start family traditions for Christmas, Thanksgiving or just a barbecue in the back yard once a year with all

Come by Lenores World and stay a while.

Author:: Lenore Chapman
Keywords:: Time,back in Time,Nostalgia,Memories
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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