Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Terrorism Starts at the Breakfast Table

It has often been said that International Terrorism stArts at home and at the breakfast table and it is really true. You see if the parents have hate, then they teach hate to their offspring and if they discuss this at the breakfast table, well there you have it. It is rather hard to educate children not to hate when the parents are teaching it.

If an entire community, country or religion is teaching hate then it should be no wonder so many young people attempt to join international terrorist groups. When International Terrorist Organizations pay families when their kids become suicide bombers you can see the problem and why it is so hard to stop.

Many academics have said we need to win the heArts and minds of the people, but that is truly a lost cause, because in the end one angry Cleric can re-warp the minds of the masses and undo years of hard work. For Gods sake when you have people in an outrage over a mere cArtoon in a place over 4000 miles away you know that there is a real problem.

So, if Terrorism stArts at the breakfast table, then lets stArt spiking the cereal boxes with positive world views and positive Western World stories and Middle Eastern peoples successes in areas of the Western World. A little cereal box philosophy for your Wheaties; consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Terrorism StArts at the Breakfast Table
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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