Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Wealthy Niche: Art

In a previous Article (Wealth: a Dream or a Will), I wrote that you had to blend at least two domains of knowledge to reach the first step of wealth. Obviously, to associate Oil Refinery and Arabic did not puzzle anyone; but someone asked me to explain how Painting and Italian could make them Rich. I will.

While writing Painting I was thinking of the Quattrocento so I added Italian almost in a reflex. As an Art student, if you get a specialization in Holy Icons you'd rather choose to learn Russian.

I wrote that to get Rich you must work in a Rich and growing industry. Is museology a growing industry?

Nobody can think that the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was created for no other reason than to realize an architect's dream. If you run a clothing shop, the stock value decreases with time until the items are completely out of fashion and worth nothing. In a Museum, the value of the stock increases continuously. The older, the better.

Do not fear to put forward very high numbers: we are talking of hundreds of millions of dollars, from which you would receive a compensation of $100,000 for managing the smallest Museum (a half-million for an institution like the Cleveland Museum of Art).

Where does the money come from? Not from the permanent collections, but from the guest collections. The money lies in exhibits.

That is the point where you appear. Because of your Art studies, you know what to gather: which works will ma ke the crowd run; because of your knowledge in Italian language you are able to deal with Italian curators.

The question was: How Painting and Italian could make me Rich? The answer is: Become the person the Museum boards will liaise with to set Italian painting exhibits up.

Of course, it is hard work. Do you think that it may be easier work to stand behind a counter for hours a day? Be realistic! In the end, to study will always make you Richer than to serve hamburgers.

Gabrielle Guichard is a French teacher who helps you to learn French online.

Author:: Gabrielle Guichard
Keywords:: Art,Museum,Rich
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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