Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bestselling Author Barbara Winter Coming Up!

As an entrepreneur, fledgling creative person and Travel enthusiast myself, I always keep learning from other entrepreneurs who have successfully combined business, creativity and Travel in their own way. Last fall I took a seminar at the Learning Annex in Toronto with the title How To Support Your Wanderlust, which ended up being a very entertaining and informative seminar.

Barbara Winter is a Minneapolis-based entrepreneur, writer and speaker who has spent the past 17 years helping people discover their passions and turn them into profitable businesses. She is the author of the best-selling book, Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love (Bantam, 1993), and the publisher of Winning Ways, the newsletter for people living and working with passion.

In addition, Barbara teaches seminars and teleclasses on Establish Yourself as an Expert, Making a Living Without a Job, and How To Support Your Wanderlust. Barbaras most recent endea vour, her book Jumpstart Your Entrepreneurial Spirit is hot off the press and just came out last month.

One of Barbaras mantras is to turn artists into entrepreneurs and to turn entrepreneurs into artists. This is incidentally exactly where I am at in my life right now: after 2 business degrees and 15 years in business as an independent entrepreneur, the time has come for me now to reintegrate creative passion back into my life, which the website and my Travels will offer me to do.

Barbara likes to turn people into inspired entrepreneurs who expand their horizons. I knew that Barbara would be a great candidate for an interview, she is funny, creative and full of great ideas and energy. I am sure that her seminars and books have inspired thousands of individuals to get up and pursue their passion and create their own businesses.

What I like to do in my interviews is I like to talk to the person, get to know them a bit better on the phone so I can compile wri tten questions (hopefully semi-intelligent ones..;) for them that they can answer in their own words. The hour I spent on the phone with Barbara has been very entertaining and informative for me at the same time and I felt totally energized after talking to her.

As a novice writer myself, just listening to Barbara gave me lots of ideas for my own writing and publishing endeavours. Barbara really knows how to capture her audience and I am actually planning to take her upcoming teleclass A Beginners Guide to Getting Published.

Barbara is an interesting, inspiring individual that many of us can learn from. Stay tuned for my first interview!

Susanne Pacher is the publisher of a website called Travel and Transitions ( Travel and Transitions deals with unconventional Travel and is chock full of advice, tips, real life Travel experiences, interviews with Travellers and Travel experts, insights and reflections, cross-cultural is sues, contests and many other features. You will also find stories about life and the transitions that we face as we go through our own personal life-long journeys.

Submit your own Travel stories in our first Travel story contest ( and have a chance to win an amazing adventure cruise on the Amazon River.

Life is a Journey Explore New Horizons.

The interview with photos is published at Travel and Transitions - Interviews

Author:: Susanne Pacher
Keywords:: Travel, adventure Travel, eco tourism, hippo Travel,women Travel, family Travel, Toronto, Canada
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