Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meet the Author: Dennis L. Siluk (Reviews Complied by: Rosa Penaloza )

By Rosa Pealoza

Meet the Author: Dennis L. Siluk (Reviews on the Author)

For this past year or so I have been writing comments about Dennis work, and today I want to share with you some of his reviews and comments other folks have had. He has a verity of literature out there, from short stories (over 200 now), to Articles (over 800) to poems (over 1000)and of course his 31 books, and he is working on four other books, and has done about 12-chapbooks. Most of this work has been done in the past five years, minus three books (and one Manuscript left over from 1984, published 13-years later), and six chapbooks, and miscellaneous poetry. Perhaps he is best know for his travels, he has traveled the world over, now it is almost 27-times around the world, or as he said: 687,000-air miles, thus, n ot to include all the travels on the road he did when he was young, going to San Francisco, and Omaha, along with Seattle, and the Dakotas, he lived in all these places in the 60s; in the 70s he traveled throughout Europe for four years, during this time he went to Vietnam, in 1971, and came back to Europe. Now he has spent, or taken eight trips to South America, where he has his second home, and where he loves the Mountains by Huancayo. Anyhow here is the reviews:

Meet the Author:

Note 1: Recent interview on Radio Programas del Per, concerning his two publications: Spell of the Andes, and Peruvian Poems; reaching five countries, and three continents; over 15-million people; by Milagros Valverde, 11/15/2005, 11:00 PM. (Milagros read poems from both of Mr. Siluks books: Spell of the Andes and The Ice Maiden.) Note 2: Spell of the Andes, recommended by the Cultural Agency in Lima- Peru; located in Alfredo Benavides # 605 - Apartment 201, phone number 2428942

Note 3: Interviewed by JP Magazine, interviewer Jose Luis Pantoja Ventocilla, who had very positive comments and appreciation for Dennis Poetic Peruvian Traditions and Contemporary way of Life; 10/26/2005.

Note 4: Mayor of San Jeronimo, Peru, Jesus Vargas Prraga, All mayors should recognize Dennis work (on his Poetic Traditions of Peru; and favorable Articles for the Mantaro Valley Region) and publicize it.... (paraphrased: we should not hide his work)

Note 5: 91.7 Radio Super Latina, 10/19/2005, interviewer Joseito Arrieta, reaching 1.2 million people in the Mantaro Valley Region about the book Spell of the Andes (paraphrased): the Municipality and the Cultural House from Huancayo should give an acknowledgement for the work you did on The Mantaro Valley.

Note 6: Channel #5 Panameri cana 10/16/2005, Good Morning Huancayo (in Huancayo, Peru ((population 325,000)); interviewed by reporter: Vladimir Bendez, on Mr. Siluks two books: Spell of the Andes, and Peruvian Poems: also on, Mr. Siluks biography.

*Note 7: Cesar Hildebrandt, International Journalist and Commentator, for Channel #2, in Lima, Peru, on October 7, 2005, introduced Mr. Siluks book, Peruvian Poems, to the world, saying: Peruvian Poems, is a most interesting book, and important. (Population of Lima, eight million, and all of Peru: twenty-five million)) plus a number of other Latin American countries: reaching about sixty-three million inhabitants, in addition, his program reaches Spain)).

Note 8: More than 240,000-visit Mr. Siluks web site a year: see his travels and books!

Note 9: Mr. Siluk received a signed personal picture with compliments from the Dalai Lama, 11/05, after sending him his book with a letter, The Last Trumpet on eschatology.

Note 10: Ezine Articles [Internet Magazine 11/2005, recognized by the Magazine Team, as one of 250-top writers, out of 14,700. Christopher Knight, Editor; annual readership: twelve-million annually (or one million per month). Dennis has about 10,000 readers of his Articles, poems and stories, alone on this site per month.

Note 11: Dennis L. Siluk Columnist of the Year, on the International Internet Magazine,; December 5, 2005 (Annual Readership: 1.5 million).

Note 12: Dennis L. Siluk was made Special Author, status, for the site

Note 13: Mr. Siluks works are on over 400-web sites worldwide as of (early 2005)


Benjamin Szumskyj: Editor of SSWFT Magazine Australia

In the Pits of Hell, a Seed of Faith Grows

The Macabre Poems: and other selected Poems,

Siluks Atlantean poems are also well crafted, from the surrealto the majesticand convivial and the reviewer adds: All up, Siluk is a fine poetHis choice of topic and theme are compelling and he does not hold back in injecting his own personal thoughts and feelings directly into his prose, lyrics, odes and verse (September 2005)

I liked your poem [The Bear-men of Qolqepunku very much. It is a very poignant piece.

Aalia Wayfare
Researcher on the Practices
Of the Ukukus

I just received your book Spell of the Andes, and I like it a lot.

Luis Guillermo Guedes, Director

Of the Ricard o Palma Museum-House

In Lima, Peru [July, 2005

The Original title of the book Dennis L. Siluk presents is Spell of the Andes which poems and stories were inspired by various places of our region and can be read in English and Spanish. The book divided in two parts presents the poems that evoked the Mantaro Valley, La Laguna de PacaMiraflores, among other places. The book is dedicated to the beautiful city of Huancayo

By: Marissa Cardenas, Correo Newspaper,

Huancayo, Peru [7/9/05

Translated into English by Rosa Pealoza.

Mr. Siluks writings, in particular the book: Islam, in Search of Satans Rib, induced a letter from Arial Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, along with a signed picture. [2004

Youre a Master of the written world. [Reference to the book: Death on Demand

Benjamin Szumskyj,

Editor of SSWFT-magazine out of Australia [2005

A poetic Childrens tale The Tale of Willy, the Humpback Whale 1982 Pulitzer Prize e ntry, with favorable comments sent back by the committee.

Dennis is a prolific and passionate writer.

Matt James,

Editor of useless. knowledge, Magazine [2005

The Other Door,by Dennis L. SilukThis is a collection of some 45 poems writtenover a 20-year period in many parts of the world. Siluk has traveled widely in this country and Europe and some of the poems reflect his impressions of places he has visited. All of them have a philosophical turn. Scattered through the poemssome long, some only three linesare lyrical lines and interesting descriptions. Siluk illustrated the book with his own pen and ink drawings. St. Paul Pioneer Press [1981)

Your stories are wonderful little vignettes of immigrant life.

(The Little Russian Twins) it is affecting.

Sibyl-Child (a womens art and culture journal) by Nancy Protun, Hyattsville, Md.; published by the Little Peoples Press, 1983

The Other Door, by Dennis L. Siluk-62pp. $5.both stirrin g and mystical.

C.S.P. World News [1983

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Article
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