Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tara and Phoenicia


There are many places named Tara in far-flung regions of the world. Near the city of Bruttium in Italy we have one such town or city during the time of Pythagoras and I think this following piece that addresses this spiritual Keltic place is connected with Pythagoras through the likes of his Dean of Studies named Abaris the Druid.

The Sun god, Mithras, was the most widely worshipped deity in the Roman Empire in the first century when Christianity was first forming. Mithras was called the Son of God, the light of the world, he was a redeemer and savior and his birthday was celebrated on December twenty-fifth. He eventually died and was buried in a cave and was resurrected three days later. Sound familiar? Constantine is said to have converted to Christianity but that is pure Spin from the editor of the Bible. He was a Mithras worshipper and they are Heliopolitans or Luciferians just like Hitler and his torch-bearer crap. IESA is in Iesoos of the fish symbo l and IXOYE as well as many other pre-Christian things they appropriated; which the Father of Biblical Archaeology says shows the Bible is a 'Phoenician literary legacy'. It is not the first time you have heard about it.

Iesa also can be shown in Zeus and Hijaz or even Giza or Gizeh when you understand the aspirant 'H' which still allows people to pronounce Jesus as Hey-soos or Julio as Who-lio. The lack of J in most pre-Christian alphabets is important and we can learn a lot about words when we take out the vowels and look for doubling or reversing consonants. I think doubling shows a removal from the original so we see Bible and Babel and Byblos are all from BL or Bel and Baal whose city or bek is very ancient indeed.

So a Jew includes all those noble arch-tectons (see Septuagint) who built the Pyramid - that means all elites. And elites have been known to use their FLOCK as sword or cannon fodder. Hitler learned about this ancient culture of Wotan, Iesa, the < a href=''title= 'Vaner: Newly tagged products at' target='_blank' style='font-size: large'>Vaner and the Gaedhils who are the builders of the Pyramid in pre-Hyksos time.

Conor Newman, an archaeology lecturer at the National University of Ireland at Galway, located the subterranean temple of Tara. Since 1992, Newman has been working on the Hill of Tara preparing a survey of the area for the state-funded Discovery Program. He found the Tara monument using an underground radar device. It fills a very important place in the jigsaw because it allows us to make sense of the distribution of other monuments all around it, says Newman.1

The Discovery Program, set up under the auspices of the Heritage Council, carried out a survey of the Hill of Tara between 1992 and 1996 when Mr. Newman was director.

When Mr. Newman moved to Galway he continued to be involved in the project. Using sophistic ated technology, he and his team of experts mapped what was underground. Like Theseus, they seek the secrets of the labyrinth-dwelling Mino-Taur, the King of Tara. The work is slow and tedious, because it has yielded such a huge amount of information.

What they uncovered eventually at the crown of the hill was a huge, oval-shaped monument measuring about 170 meters at its widest point. Around it are 300 postholes measuring two meters wide. Evidence indicates this `Crown' (tiara) of Tara was constructed through an enormous effort. 300 towering oak posts once surrounded the hill.

We think it probably dates from 2500 to 2300 BC and still had a big physical presence even after the posts were taken out or rotted, Mr. Newman said.2

This is the approximate time of Abraham, the son of Terah who became the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (the three religions at the root of the holy War on Terror).

His Oaks of Mamre were well known and long revered .3 Credible evidence of them has never been discovered in the Holy Land. However, in Ireland clear evidence is found at Tara.

Legend says Abraham's oaks existed from the beginning of the world, and used to be green and bear leaves until his descendent Jesus died, when it and all sacred oaks were cut down.

Jesus (called Pan-Tara, `god of Tara') is known in ancient Irish history as Iessa, a name derived from I.A. or E.A. (pronounced Eye-a), the Sumerian creator god who was portrayed wearing a fish suit. Lord Melchizedek, the Pope-king of Jerusalem (Ire-u-salem) and forerunner of Christ who initiated Abraham and his wife, Sarah,4 is equated with E.A. The Irish called him the sun god Fin (an Irish name for the Sun), a pun on fish. The Irish are called the Children of the Sun, because in Egypt Ra, the Ray or the Ra-Eye is the Sun. Ra's symbol is an eye. Hence, the term Iris or Irish.

Fin (E.A.) presided over the Tara assembly, as a Druid in strangely flowered ga rments, and with a double-pointed head-dress and bearing in his hand a book. His two-headed miter of fishy form, his upright rod, spotted or checkered garment and basket in hand, are symbols that align him with E.A. His column (i, eye) or pillar of Tara is remembered as the Tree of Life of numerous traditions. (1)

My continuing research includes the clandestine associations of John Toland and various English Lords in control of Ireland. They include a Lord Southwell whose family had possession of certain Irish books that the English would not allow the Irish to possess or read. It appears he was able to wend a story about a time when Gaul was more important than Ireland and represent Ireland as a serfdom thereof, in his book The History of the Druids. Toland came to this effort that included various Royal Society and Ashmolean Museum members of the Rosicrucian fraternity with a special expertise in Hebrew and Irish linguistic studies. This in itself is interesting due to the connection of their Phoenician similarities and roots. The fact that he begins his book with reference to the most important personage named Abaris the Druid or Hyperborean is most relevant. I have discovered Abaris can be translated as Rabbi and I believe his sun worship credentials noted by Toland are entirely important to the Luciferian or Ostrogothic people whose nobles have ruled so much of this world for all of recent history. (2)

Alexanders father defeated Scythia and prepared the plan or was part of that plan that saw Alexander do what he did including have many of his generals or backers marry Persians. Darius is seen on coins in the so-called New World too. I think in a far earlier time these people where both in the same noble family and they knew this and planned to re-kindle their dominion over the whole world.

Are they intent on keeping us in the dark and treating us like mushrooms for some ulterior reason? Mushrooms thrive on manure but huma ns perform better when provided firsthand information rather than manipulative, trite and false statistics that compare us against others. We must authenticate authority and it must demonstrate a creative and loving purpose before we entitle it to lead us into the vast horizons of creative universe which arent (and never were) limited by some Malthusian economic model. They also aren't limited by the potential to destroy us, when you consider biotechnology, nanotechnology, mind-control, robots with human and other biological components as well as the usual greed and power needs of insecure deviates.

Author of many books available at Lulu and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Phoenician, Red Heads, Tara, Pythagoras, Gaedhils, Vaner
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