Sunday, July 10, 2011

What If There Were No Wars?

What if the human raced evolved to the point that they understood that killing ones own species sets a very bad precedent? What if we could use some other method to solve impasses of nation states political will in negotiations? What if we declared wars on things, which are not threats of mankind against its own but rather events occurring against all nations and all peoples? What if we declared war on the short water supplies or a war on Poverty and human rights abuses? What if we simply said we have had enough of these Typhoons and Hurricanes and declared World War III on Extreme Weather, which kills tens of thousands per year? Declare War on the Weather; a genuine Herculean effort to stop Hurricanes like Katrina, Wilma, Andrew and Rita and a commitment to the human race to win that war once and for all?

How about a war on Cancer? What about a war on the confines of Gravity on our species, freeing us from being imprisoned on this little oasis and allowing us to travel the solar system and beyond? Why not declare a war on the issues, which truly plague us all? A war on Earthquakes and vibrational anomalies, which cause them and trigger Tsunamis, could be a start. We can start by declaring a war on lack of knowledge that affects the safety of the people and search for ways to predict them and eventually stop them.

We can still build weapons of war, but lets pick a common enemy to build our team. Lets pick those things, which threaten all life on Earth, things such as Asteroids hitting the Earth or plagues destroying populations. We can win these wars if we work together, without repeating the death and destruction of the past and we will be all the better for it. Think on this tonight, we can do this.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: end wars, Earth, common enemy, populations asteroids, Diseases, Eathquakes, Tsunami, Hurricanes
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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