Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No Single Nation Can Impose Democracy on Another

Imposing Democracy on Another nation is something that many academics and philosopher types have debated over many decades. Some believe that no single nation can impose Democracy over Another nation. Indeed these same people will argue that no group of nations should impose democracy over Another either. And this would also include any group called a League of Nations, United Nations or One World Government.

However there are many who are in the United Nati ons who believe that there are many instances when such imposition would be necessary to prevent war, human rights abuses or and out of control government regime. It is for this reason that many could argue that there will be circumstances when it will be necessary to remove a radical regime such as a dictatorship and replace that governments leadership with a Democracy.

What do you do with a Nation State whose leadership insists on funding and sponsoring International Terrorists or even giving them nuclear weapons to use on large civilian populations and cities? Perhaps a protocol is needed of when to impose a legitimate democracy on Another nation and rather than allowing the Security Council of the United Nations, which is totally political, to decide when to do something about a menacing problem which is bound to get worse. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: No Single Nation, Can Impose Democracy, Another
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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