Sunday, July 31, 2011

Feeding The World We Must Help Those Who Help Themselves

There is much talk throughout the world for debt forgiveness and wiping out Poverty. Feeding the starving children is also of importance. Few would deny that we should help out wherever we can. And most agree that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot always make him drink and thus we may wish to consider this.

Recently during a coffee shop conversation with a new friend who had spent time in the Peace Corp and also volunteering with an NGO, we all listened to the stories he had. Scary stuff, boy were we glad that we were so fortunate to have been born into such a wealthy and well run nation. He told us of the horrendous conditions and mal nutrition and of starving and Dying babies. Later in the conversation he told of some of the causes to the problem and how hard it was to help them. Also ho w one might wish to discuss that if a human wishes to live in a Society, Tribe or civilization, then they should work to promote the over all group thru their efforts. That is to say help the whole.

Yet when one refuses to plant the Wheat, grow the Wheat, harvest the Wheat, cook the Bread, however still wishes to partake in the joy of eating, then one has to ask if that mediocrity, lack of work ethic or laziness is not the worst evil of all? Think on this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Feeding The World, Help Those Who Help Themselves, Bread, Wheat, Poverty, Tribe, Society, Dying
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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