Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stopping African Killer Bee Colonies from Swarming Worth the Effort?

Is it worth the effort to stop African Killer Bees from swarming and killing humans? Each year there are hundreds of attacks World Wide. Some say we should train the bees to help us rid the world of international terrorism and sting the bad guys to death. Others fear for their lives knowing if large colonies of bees are around they might attack them.

This subject has been of concern and it was brought up at a recently online think tank discussion as a problem, which needed their attention. One online think tank member Warren States; African killer bees are indeed worth someone's energy; the chemical folks have been driven back by the environmentalists. To figure out what physical dependencies they have when they act as a single entity in the swarm seems like a worthy effort.

Surely, although there are bigger problems and the bees do provide plentiful pollination services to crops. Another think tank member was unconcerned about the few number of attacks world w ide and stated; Too me, well I just like to study efficiency, battle tactics and I love winning and therefore it makes sense to look at who is winning and why? Thus how do the bees do it is of value indeed. And in studying that we maybe able to figure out a way to stop them, steer them or defeat a swarm in a military battle if it becomes necessary. There appears to be a component of battle tactics, as well as finding and securing a way to exploit weakness in here.

It seems people study bee colonies and swarms for many reasons, some to better understand the strategy and some to help people. But it is good to know at least one online think tank is attempting to get to the bottom of this issue as it sorts through these incredible creatures and their swarming techniques to solve problems and protect people. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Stopping, African Killer Bee Colonies from Swarming, Worth the Effort
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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