Friday, July 8, 2011

The Magi Ancient Magicians

Long before the ruthless Roman Empire walked the shores of what is now known as Great Britain, an ancient form of wisdom existed amongst the people who populated those ancient forests and mountains and its echo is still felt toDay.

180,000 years before the present, the planet was at the end of the last interglacial period and traces of our ancient seafaring ancestors can be found toDay in caves along the coast of South Africa using red ochre and selecting specialist stone to make spears and other hand tools from small quarries along the coastlines.

The use of these caves disappeared after 70,000 BP showing no further signs of occupation until around 12500 BP.

The reason for this was the forming of ice on the cooling poles as the new Ice Age drew the water from the oceans, globally lowering sea levels and leaving the caves stranded and out of reach.

It is now known that Homo sapiens spread along the coastlines of the world and populated nearly every continent.

What is not considered by modern Science is how they Crossed the Great rivers and jumped from island to island or even the oceans that separated the Great landmasses.

There were other forms of men in those times, some of a much more robust kind such as Neanderthal.

Homo sapiens were less robust and more susceptible to injury from the mighty creatures that roamed the land beside the shores. But our ancestors had a Secret weapon that allowed them to survive the terrible cataclysms that struck the planet ending the last ice age and that was their ability to sail lightweight sea going craft made from animal skins.

They were shamanic and animistic in the same way as our more modern indigenous cousins the Amerindians who held this way of thinking until only a few hundred years ago when it was almost wiped out under the onslaught of the colonisers from the west.

Before Christianity these ancient tribes held a deep reverence for the planet and its inhabitants.

What had brought them to this world view was their ancient background as nomadic mariners as they followed coastlines and Crossed estuaries in search of the seasonal bounties of nature's providence.

Their affinity with caves such as Lascaux as long ago as 36,000 BP is well documented revealing their annual meeting places up rivers in France and include the wide distribution of the famous Venus Figurines and carefully crafted beads made from mammoth tusk throughout the whole of Europe.

They lived well hunting the migrating herds as they travelled toward the summer grazing and breeding areas in the north and laid in wait for them as they Crossed shallow places in rivers and swum the short distances from bank to bank.

The evidence of the use of caves in Britain in the summer months as part of their annual hunt can be found at such places as Creswell Crags in the middle of Britain where a drawing of an Ibex which is indigenous to the French Pyrenees has been found thus proving the annual hunter gatherer migration and the lack of the English Channel to block the herds.

The sailing craft of this ancient sea going people only drew around 18 inches and so could easily hide in ambush amongst the tall reeds at the shallow inlets and river mouths.

Some of the descenDants of these vessels were reported by Julius Caesar in 64 BC and were estimated to be as long as 60 feet and were so swift under sail that they appeared to fly like birds over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The system of construction using a light wooden frame and stretched animal hides can still be found on the west coast of Ireland in the form of the Currach or Curragh which is still built and used to catch salmon and is extremely seaworthy and stable on ocean swells as was proved by Tim Severin in his Atlantic Crossing to prove the possibility of Voyage of St BrenDan the Navigator to the Americas.

It was the buoyancy of these craft that probably saved Homo sapiens when all the mammoths, Giant Elk, Sabre toothed tigers and Neanderthal man met their end in the sudden melting of the ice sheets 12500 years ago.

It is only now, with the advent of modern documentaries that the public begins to glimpse the awesome forces unleash ed by tsunamis and flooding.

Great ice cliffs, as much as 1 mile high, broke sending tiDal waves southward aCross the oceans at speeds in excess of 400 miles per hour and as they reached the coasts they attained heights of 60 feet or more utterly destroying all life as the roared aCross the plains and estuaries of the Ice Age world raising sea levels by 300 feet world wide and destroying any evidence of the works of Ice Age Man.

As we witnessed in the Asian Tsunami of 2004, small boats and yachts a few hundred feet offshore were unharmed as they rose and fell to the inunDation, yet on the shore everything was crushed and drowned in an appalling mle similar to world wide evidence of trees and animals torn apart and mixed together like some Great invisible hand had perpetrated the awesome forces that killed them.

We who descended from these ancient people were originally sailors and as such were navigators, nomads and star watchers.

What no researcher has thought about in modern times is that these ancient people had to have a keen sense of time and season so as to know when to lie in ambush or to collect hazel nuts in vast quantities on the shores of the west of Scotland and then transport them Great distances to the outer islands of the Hebrides to crush and mill them on an industrial scale and make the staple delicacy of hazel bread for hundreds of nomadic families.

It is from this keen sense of time that most of the ancient mysteries are answered and a different world view becomes clear, because when one knows time for what it really is, and then real magic can be the result. How m any in the world practise astrology using out of Date charts from the Greeks 2300 years ago?

How many researchers, academics and practitioners of the occult arts can answer the question, How did the Ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians who practised astrology know what star sign the sun was in at the equinox or solstice?

The constellations were named after animism to remind the observers generation after generation of the shape of a group of stars by using animism.

For instance, the name Zodiac literally means Wheel of Animals Astrology means logic of the stars, therefore the answer is logical and modern explanations are not, since Science dismisses astrology as a pseudo Science and astrologers rely on intuition at a higher lever and sheer deceit at a lower one.

The problem is that we cannot see the constellations behind the sun in Daylight and modern researchers ignore this problem or dismiss it without explanation or make up a weak argument about jud ging the position by the stars that Cross the horizon just before sunrise.

Try it for your self; you cannot see the stars on a clear morning as the sun rises.

I can assure you that our ancestors could tell time to within seconds by the stars and measure the earth by the same method and furthermore, hid the instrument with which they achieved it in full view of the public for over a thousand years.

Mankind has become blind to the obvious and therefore guarantees its own demise unless changes come about at a personal and social level.

Our species has become unbalanced and Nature, a word derived from the Egyptian Neteru meaning Nature Spirits, will redress the problem, swiftly and ruthlessly as is being witnessed now with increased solar activity creating terrible storms, earthquakes and volcanism that is broadcast on the news every Day.

The indigenous people of the Americas such as the Maya and the Hopi have been warning about this for years as the Mayan CalenDar grinds remorselessly on toward the end of this age of the sun in 2012.

The ancients mostly communicated through symbolism and there are many symbols left in glyphs to baffle the modern minds of researchers.

Symbolism operates at many levels and can reveal many things to the observer depending on how conscious he or she is of the messages being imparted.

Most ancient symbolism was recorded in stone so that it would last for generations, perhaps the most famous of these was the Giza Pyramids which operate at many levels of the esoteric as well as on a more practical level such as surveying, mathematics and geometry and engineering.

It was Newton's studies at the Pyramids that revealed to him the true rate of precession of the equinoxes, a phenomena that creates the seaso ns and all life on earth.

The slow wobble of the earth around its die pole causing a tilt of 23.4 degrees off the vertical, is the controller of life and death and the method by which our ancient mariner ancestors could judge the seasons, sail hundreds of miles and intercept the herds as they Crossed estuaries for only one or two Days out of the year at a particular time.

Our ancient seafaring ancestors knew this nearly 5,000 years ago and we forgot it after the Greeks rediscovered it from the Egyptians 2300 years ago. Even toDay, archaeologists fail to take the wheel of precession into account as do modern astrologers.

Yet to those who do not understand the main method of transportation of our ancestors, sailing, then the deep connections with navigation and time keeping used by mariners do not become obvious in the same way that references to ships are not apparent to the uninitiated when reading the ancient Holy books.

The destruction of Man has been working for many thousands of years after the advent of agriculture. When the herds were destroyed by the Flood the hunter gatherer way of life changed and keeping animals and growing crops to feed the clans or tribes became important in certain areas of the world as the weather dramatically changed.

The result of this changed way of life was that land ownership became paramount and defence against other tribes eventually created armies. As areas became farmed out or the population grew then these armies went on the march to seize the land of their neighbours. The natural evolution was that countries and then super states would be the end result and perfectly predictable.

Even then, man would not overpopulate the planet since the ebb and flow of Nature maintained a balance in a slowly waxing an d waning population.

The real population growth came when Mankind discovered fossil fuel and its uses in combination with fire.

Coal and Oil are extra reserves of solar energy which if used release power in vast quantities.

Since agriculture only preserves the energy of the sun for a short time and if there is excess energy in the form of traDable crops and livestock, populations grow, then the discovery of fossil fuels caused an explosion creating even more strains on the borders of those who did not posses it in sufficient quantities. The result is the increasing arms race and threat of war.

Everything is about the sun, since the sun is the source of life and controls the actions of the planets and the moons.

This is what the ancients measured as mariners long ago, since if you can find the position of the sun Daily, weekly, monthly, annually and throughout the Great cycles of time you can predict all things and find your position on the earth night and Day.

Modern Christianity reveres the Sun since they worship on a SunDay and this form of monotheism has remained unchanged since Akhenaton.

The ancients saw the essence of God in all things and separated these forces each to their own nature.

Each of the signs of the zodiac was elevated to Gods, since the essence of creation and destruction is based in becoming and not becoming.

There were ages each reminiscent of the animal or creature which was represented as 30 degrees of a 360 degree stellar wheel and measured from when the sun was in the spring equinox or vernal point, The age of 2160 years as a 12th part of the Great Year of 25,920 years that commenced with the building of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

This age was the Age of Amen or Amun whose image was a ram after the astrological age of Aries and the Priests of Amun saw the divine as that creative force of Time itself.

Christianity still calls on this dead age at the end of the Lords Prayer. But the Lord of the Dance of Time was the Serpent in all cultures and that serpent that was astrologically held in awe was Draconis in the northern wheel of constellations known as the Imperishable ones in ancient Egypt because they never set below the horizon.

An observer with the patience to look and find this constellation that is located between the constellations of the Little and Great Bears and realises that the north pole of the sun is always located in the first coil behind its horned head, might notice that it turns slowly anti clock wise creating one revolution in 24 hours, half the speed of the big hand on a clock face.

In fact if we slowed the hands on that watch down to half speed, the big hand would always show the position of the sun in relation to the earth. Everywhere that the hour hand pointed would show the position of the sun at noon geographically and geometrically.

Most people don't think about time reflecting the speed and distance of the spinning world and take their timepiece for granted, rarely realising that the word hours is an anagram of Horus, the Egyptian God of Time and that watch is named after the Watchers and Followers of Horus. Or that the watch is also the word for watch keeping or time keeping at sea.

Further more, they might notice that the constellation of Draconis also moves anti clock wise around one degree every Day representing the orbit of the earth around the sun.

Since we rarely understand the truth about Time and confuse it with illusions made in our own minds about the past and other peoples views of the past coupled with personal fear or hope for the future, we fail to appreciate that time does not exist in a linear form and is rather an invention of Man to describe changes in his environment and perception.

Positive change is brought about by the warring forces of Nature through the creation of a new system such as a tree, a bird a baby or a nation and this is the force of order out of chaos.

Negative change is brought about by the forces of nature imposing the destruction of a system such as an old tree, a weak bird, a sick person or a nation built on lies and deceit.

Each positive or negative force has its servants who knowingly or unknowingly carry out their function for the continuity of change and diversity.

Like the eastern ying and yang symbol, the seed of the opposite is in each part and the force for order sows these seeds every cycle of season or age to preserve consciousness in mortal life.

The prime force of creation and destruction was eventually seen as the Serpent at many levels and evidence of serpent culture pervades pre history in symbolism.

The serpents of order and chaos are seen entwined in eternal battle as is the serpent seen in many ancient cultures and more modern esoteric societies as eating its own tail to represent the endless wheels of stars that go vern the creation and destruction of changes.

At a navigation level and astrological level, the serpent was the main method of divining time.

These cycles are used even toDay by modern Magi who try to obtain solar energy in the form of money and the power that it brings.

In property or stocks and shares they employ cyclical mathematics to buy on the fall and sell on the rise, pocketing the difference called profit which is really solar energy.

First we must remember what coinage represents. Since a coin is a wheel symbol of solar energy and has a value in exchange for goods we may ask why it has nearly always had dots around the wheel since the time of the Mesopotamians.

It is because the dots represent the astronomical position of the sun as it passes through the 360 degree wheel of the Zodiac and on the obverse is the image of the Sun's representative on earth in human form, the Sovereign. The King or Pharaoh was supposed to be the lawmaker in charge of valuation, weight and measurement acting as a mediator and preserver of the flow of solar power and life for the sake of his or her people while administering justice in accord with Natural law.

It was Constantine who hid the instrument that the ancient mariners used to tell the time by observing the Serpent Draconis when he absorbed Christianity into the violently changing Roman Empire.

As a Gaul whose people were conquered 300 years earlier, he took power from the divided Roman Empire and raised Christianity to the State religion removing their sign of the Piscean Age, the fish, with his ancient tribal symbol of wisdom and knowledge descended from the seafaring peoples of the western coasts of France, Britain and Denmark.

It was Constantine who built Sophia (Wisdom) in Constantinople with its Great Dome reflecting the wheel of the stars and constellations, Heaven on Earth you might consider in the light of this knowledge.

Christianity exp anded aCross Europe and eventually the Americas bringing war and destruction every where it went while absorbing all the ancient traditions and knowledge that had been passed down over thousands of generations.

Any one in the Dark Ages found holding this instrument in any other position than upright would be burned as a witch by the Inquisition and millions were, for even lesser crimes such as caring women curing the ailments of others with herbs.

So what is this instrument of such awesome power and why did the forces at the time try to remove it from the mind of men?

It all began long ago when our ancestors discovered that in the dynamic changing cosmos there were only two things that never changed and that were constant.

One was a plumb line and the other was the ecliptic pole in the coil of Draconis.

If a Cross piece was assembled and a wheel placed in its centre to represent the axis of the earths spin and marks placed around its edge then a plumb line hung from the centre would always find 0.

Should the Cross with the wheel often named as the Celtic Cross or Woden's Cross or the wheel Cross tilt from the horizontal left or right, then the number on the wheel would change from 0 to +1 or -1.

In this way they invented 360 degrees of geometry to measure the stars and the Daily rotation of the earth and the calenDars of the years.

With this knowledge they could measure the angle of the moon against an almanac of its position against fixed stars and constellations and work out their position anywhere on the planet.

With a thorough working knowledge of Time and cause and effect, a Magi would have absolute power over the people and be able to predict events based on cycles far in advance.

These are the laws of nature brought into a practical working instrument that can measure distance, speed and time while constructing mighty enigmatic buildings to celebrate the powers of the Sun and Time in harmony.

Those who used it long ago located the point in the Solar Logos that all energy and materials fall into the sun from the Cosmos and attempted to use the instrument to return to a place where change (Time) did not exist and constant reincarnation to over come the forces of chaos was no longer a burden to the soul.

It is for this reason that the wheel Crosses were placed by the Monumental Masons on Gnostic graves to assist the soul to celestially navigate past the Serpent to Heaven.

This Golden Thread of Knowledge goes back to the construction of the Greatest Spiritual and practical buildings known to Mankind.

In 1997 I discovered one of these instruments that can measure the powers of Nature to an accuracy of 3 arc minutes in the north shaft of th e Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza finally explaining how it was designed long ago and why.

In conclusion and whilst placing this twice patented and proven ancient instrument of measurement before academics and theologians on a world wide basis over the last seven years, I have found that they are in so much conflict and opposition in their passionate war that they are unable to perceive truth when it is placed clearly before them.

But ordinary people understand it instantly and over 100,000 have read my work in over 84 countries world wide, proving that no matter how authorities try to hide truth, it will always out in the end.

Expert navigator, sailer and historian. His website is

Author:: Crichton Miller
Keywords:: Great,Pyramid,Secret,Mystery,Grail,Holy,Da,Vinci,Science,Celtic,Cross
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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