Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Open Borders With Mexico A Worthy Goal Indeed

Can you imagine a world was no borders? Wouldnt it be great if we can get rid of all the man-made lines drawn in the sand, which were done so or determined through corrupt governments and bloodshed of war? But what about our own borders in the United States of America with Canada and Mexico; two fine neighbors considering all the conflict in the world with other nations and we're very lucky to have them next door and also grateful to be able to trade with such neighbors where civil unrest is rarely heard of.

However, there is a problem when one nation takes advantage of another nation and in our current case with Mexico the president of Mexico, Vincent Fox is telling his citizens to come to the United States and work and send money back so their economy will grow. And it is certainly growing very fast well over 5 to 8 percent per year and that he is extremely good growth for Mexico. Now then, an open border would be great and I had discussed this in 1999 in an Article that I wrote regarding the legal immigration below;

For all open border economists and Freedman Economist extremists Xs 2, we must remember the disease, birth control, birth rate and education levels. If proper training is done we will succeed. But one thing that makes the US so great is the creation of the middle class. Destroying the foundation of the middle class through incoherent immigration enforcement and lack of action will destroy the fiber of America. Including the buyers of the SUVs, soccer moms, College system, and general welfare services. We are treading on thin ice and we need to pay attention to these things as they affect our daily lives. We are told of this great era we live, we are told of the great economy, but look closely and see where we are headed and it does not look so ro sy.

You see, the problem is not with open Borders the problem is with corrupt governments. Currently there are 24 million illegal aliens in our country and 60 percent come from Mexico and they are coming at a faster and faster rate each year as they are told to come here by their own governments. Something must be done and we must protect the United States of America from these invaders to prevent economic loss in our civilization. It is a serious issue and yes these folks are only coming to build a better life, but can we afford it? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Open Borders With Mexico, Worthy Goal
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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