Friday, November 9, 2012

Language of the God(s)

In Man and His Symbols, Jung shows us the same archetypes in the untutored dreams of contemporary children, in medieval Alchemy, in Hindu mythology, and in Persian folk tales. Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts have continued and extended this study of a vast and strange inner world, little appreciated until quite recently. How does Jung account for the universality of symbolic themes? He sees it as evidence for the collective unconscious, which could be called the collective Soul of humanity. Jung was not the first person in Freuds school who took from the Mystery Schools set up by St. Germain de Medicis in Freuds Vienna. But few authors talk about Silberer and fewer still know about how great an adept Hitler learned to be in these arts. Hitler and his father before him had studied long and hard in this ba stion of Rothschild involvement. They received money in a legacy from their Rothschild family according to the OSS in a book by Langer called The Mind of Adolph Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was another personal coven of the Rothschilds in London as Crowley weaved his magic. Joseph Campbell did a forward to Marija Gimbutas Language of the Goddess and there is a lot in her archaeological work that he knew would have altered much of what he had previously written. Jung did an excellent forward to the Evans-Wentz version of The Tibetan Book of The Dead and I heartily recommend it to any person seeking to know what connects the likes of Krishnamurti and Jung beyond the mere scholarship of Eranos Conference scholars.

In fact the Set and Gematria of all alphabets can be traced to adept Keltic or Phoenician scholars who the Father of Biblical Archaeology knows gave us the Bible. I think it is important for us to know who these gods calling themselves Anunnaki or Elohim and alien Dragons were. So I have done a whole new history of mans cultural evolution that uses forensic and modern artifacts that I am sure Joseph Campbell would have loved to have access to.

Author of many books available at and

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Jung, Alchemy, social engineering
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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