Friday, November 23, 2012

Uncovered: The History Of The American Flag

For centuries, the American flag has been a symbol of freedom and pride in the United States. Ever since 911, they have become fixtures on many more houses and buildings across the country. It was as if our flag was letting us know that we are still one people and will remain standing strong against the enemy. Seeing our cherished flag blow in the breeze, gave a sense of comfort to so many after that terrible tragedy, as it still does today.

If you are an American, you surely know the story of how Betsy Ross sewed the original stripes and thirteen stars back in 1776, although no one really knows for sure who designed it. Some speculate that it was Betsy Ross herself who drew up a pencil sketch at the request of George Washington. However, most historians believe it was a New Jersey congressman named Francis Hopkinson, and that even though Betsy Ross was the seamstress who did sew the first flag, she was mistakenly given the credit for designing it also. Further, they dont even think George Washington was present when the request for the flag was made to Mrs. Ross.

According to records of correspondence that transpired between Mr. Hopkinson and the Board of Admiralty in 1780, it was written that he had indeed designed the flag while serving with the Continental Navy Board. And he was hoping to be compensated for his contribution and efforts. After a lot of back and forth between Francis Hopkinson and many depArtments of the Congress during that time, he never did end up being compensated, but they also never denied that he was the actual designer either.

Apparently, the original flags stars were not designed to be in a circle either. That was done by a painter named Charles H. Weisgerber who recreated the scene of the meeting with Betsy Ross on canvas. For many, m any years, the stars on the flag actually showed up in all different kinds sizes and formations as it was left up to the flag makers discretion to place them as they wished. But Francis Hopkinsons original design had the stars drawn in a staggered position just as they are on our present day flag. It wasnt until the Executive Order on June 24, 1912 that the precedent was set for a consistent formation of the stars on the United States flag.

At this point in time, the facts about who designed it are not really as important as the fact that the American flag continues to proudly wave, representing liberty and justice, for all!

Want to know more about the history of our American Flag. Visit ultra-interesting flag resources and find out all that you might not have known about Old Glory.

Author:: Nathan T. Lynch
Keywords:: American Flag
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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