Thursday, November 29, 2012

Read this Article if You No Longer Vote

Many Americans do not vote, which seems silly considering our democracy has proven to propel Us into the statUs of being one of the most Free countries on the Planet. Recently the world watched as Iraq was liberated and the citizens were able to vote and plot their own course for their future. With purple fingers as proof they made a choice to rule their own destiny. Again Iraqi citizens showed up in droves to ratify a new Constitution and set of rules they agreed to live by. It is truly inspirational and for them a turning point in the Middle of the Middle East.

As we watch these wonders our heart smiles and we understand and feel the raw emotion of their endeavors and their new found freedoms, yet in our Nation we have so many who do not vote. Some do not vote becaUse they are cynics others becaUse, they are not too worried about much and although not completely satisfied, they are content and happy to live in the United States and are not too concerned about any one issue.

Whatever the reason the lethargic displacement of the American voter is growing. And of those who do not vote a growing majority of them are in the cynical camp. Yet they are the very ones who could change it and swing the next election, if they really cared too. Often American Politics and modern bureaucracy is compare d to the frog you boil in a pot, turn up the water one degree at a time and the frog jUst stays their in the warmth, eventually very content and then as it gets too hot for him, he can no longer move to jump out.

Perhaps you should vote and think about yourself as that frog. Perhaps you are cynical and know it really does not matter as most people vote by what they hear on the TV or read in the newspaper and those who have surrendered their minds to the mass media hysteria far out way your one vote. Yet if all of Us decided to vote all at the same time and speak out loud, while Ill jUst bet we could not only swing the elections and get this Country back on track, but also swing the media into dumping some of this purported politically correct garbage and hokum that they inundate the populoUs with. What say you? Well, no need to answer now, but do think on it tonight.

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: american voter, Voting, purple fingers, Iraq, mass media, Politics, Nation, Country, Us, middle east
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