Wednesday, November 28, 2012

German Memories in Asia: The German Kindness

I recalled Memories of two months ago. At the event Night of a Thousand Dinners I gave a brief speech on various issues ranging from landmines to World affairs. I cant forget those moments when the German Praktikum (Internship) students were spellbound listening to my speech. I was amazed by their eagerness to know about contemporary World issues affecting Germany and around the World.

Having delivered my speech and moving away from the table, the way the students were greeting me by tapping slowly on the table is ever memorable. The simultaneous tapping on the table was creating a new kind of melodious music. I accepted their greeting with a smile. I was really amazed by their greetings and the way they did it. After being there for few more moments, while I was leaving the dinning table, Marita was coming towards me. She greeted me in a soft manner and shook my hand saying: thanks for your speech.

When I saw Marita, still those Memories came to mind and I was able to re-live them. Her kind remark was an added encouragement to me and was coming to mind. I remembered those moments of my speech and the excellent coordination of Marita to make the event a success.

I met Marita at the Aquarius Resort lobby to brief her on the final arrangements relating to the Night of a Thousand Dinners and the purpose of having it. I explained to her in detail about the event and how she will have to explain to the students before my speech. I told her that I would be there in a short while and went to my room.

When I was walking down the narrow passage towards the Restaurant, I observed there were around twenty-five students at the lengthy oval-shaped dinning table. Marita was seated at one corner of the table facing the Ocean. When I reached the table, she came out a nd asked me whether I wished to be in her place or to be in the upper platform of the Restaurant to deliver my speech. I said I would prefer her place as I would be able to see all the students from there and being close to them whereas the upper platform would have distanced me.

She agreed and sat in one of the chairs, which was vacant. She was kind enough to help me develop a rapport with the Internship students within a short while.

As most of the students came from Germany recently, I was not close to them that much. The student-team with whom I went on our Tsunami-relief mission to the northern region had already left the Island.

I had met Marita only once before while we were having breakfast at the Restaurant and thereafter once at the discotheque. I didnt have enough chance to become friendly with her. But her caring nature towards me by listening to my ideas and then translating them into reality instantly amazed me as to how she and the German peo ple are so accommodative.

Rajkumar Kanagasingam is author of a fascinating book on German Memories in Asia and you can explore more about the book and the author at AGSEP

Author:: Rajkumar Kanagasingam
Keywords:: German, Memories, Asia, Restaurant, Praktikum, Internship, World, Tsunami, Germany, Island, Resort,
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