Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tsunami Aftermath

On December 26, 2004 a massive Tsunami swept through Thailand killing thousands of people, and changing the lives of thousands more. Although the Tsunami happened months ago, we are still feeling the affects of it today.

The massive destruction that occurred because of the Tsunami has a huge impact today. Thousands of villagers in Thailand who live on a very low income to begin with lost all they had in the Tsunami, as the water took it away or destroyed it altogether. These are villagers who are having an incredibly hard time now trying to scrape by and replace what it is the Tsunami took from them.

Agriculturally Thailand was hit very bad with the Tsunami as well. Where water was reported to have traveled 7-8 miles inland farms are suffering loss of crops and livestock, as the salt that remains on their fields isnt producing the crops that are needed to support themselves and their families.

Because of the change in the environment around Thailand, rivers are emptying more quickly into the ocean, which is going to become a problem for farmers as far as irrigating their fields, and providing water for their livestock to drink.

Another result that I think is often overlooked, is the amount of pollutants that were deposited into the waves went over the land. This can include substances like gasoline and oil, and other dangerous chemicals.

This is only a short look at some of the effects that the great Tsunami is having in Thailand and in other parts around the world. I would urge you to become more informed on the situation and learn what it is that you can do to get involved, and to assist in the recovery of these nations.

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Tsunami Area. Which is a great web directory and information center on the Tsunami in Thailand and around the world.

Author:: Ryan Fyfe
Keywords:: Tsunami, Thailand Tsunami, December 26, Thailand, united nations
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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