Friday, May 24, 2013

The Romantic Spirit of the Harlem Renaissance: Jean Toomer

In his only novel on African Americans, Jean Toomer also found beauty in the vernacular culture among the people in SpArta, Georgia, where Toomer spent two months working as an interim principal at the SpArta Agricultural and Industrial Institute in 1921 (Byrd 733). Nathan Pinchback Toomer (18941967) changed his name to Jean after his move to Greenwich Village and reading Romain Rolland's Jean Christophe (1904), in an effort to solidify his emerging identity as a writer (Byrd 733).

Toomers experimental novel, Cane (1923), is described as a record of his discovery of his southern heritage, an homage to a folk culture that he believed was evanes cent, and an exploration of the forces that he believed were the foundation for the spiritual fragmentation of his generation (Byrd 733). Although Toomer continued writing after the publication of Cane until the time of his death, he did not have any other works of fiction published during his lifetime (Byrd 733).

After coming under the influence Georgei I. Gurdjieff, a Russian mystic and psychologist, Toomer never returned to depicting African American life (Byrd 733). This change in subject matter could be attributed to Toomers efforts to transcend the narrow divisions of race (Byrd 734). Due to his desire for transcendence of racial boundaries, Toomer's later writings do not employ any racial themes; also this desire led Toomer to disassociate himself from Cane, the work that has earned him a central place in the African American literary tradition (Byrd 734).

Despite Toomer's later rejection of racial themes, many of the Harlem writers were considerably influ enced by Cane, such as Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston. Hurston, the most prolific black woman writer in her lifetime, is the most extraordinary, intriguing, but ultimately tragic, pArticipant in the Harlem Renaissance.


Byrd, Rudolph P. Jean Toomer. The Oxford Companion to African American Literature. Eds. William L. Andrews, Frances Smith Foster, and Trudier Harris. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. 733-734.

Mary Arnold holds a B.A. in literature and history. She is an author on Writing.Com which is located at http://www.Writing.Com/ and is accessible by anyone.

Her writing portfolio may be viewed at

Author:: Mary Arnold
Keywords:: Harlem Renaissance, Jean Toomer
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