Tuesday, May 21, 2013

They Lived in Despair but Just Didn't Know It

When a people believe through brainwashing or social programming that what they have is what they really want, then you cannot force someone against their will to seek a better life. In fact they will fight against the givers of Freedom at the bequest of their own purveyors of propaganda.

When a regime controls the media, knowledge and teachings, a culture may not realize that there is a better way or life out there and they can have it, if they will stand up together; power to the people. I would like to stamp our hunger and poverty, but not entirely. I believe that the life experience is about joy, happiness, pain and sorrow. And those choices should be allowed too. In other words if someone chooses to be Unhappy or live a life of pain and sorrow, they too should be allowed that choice.

An Individual should be allowed to live without things. Such as a minimalist or Buddhist Monk? Too much abundance is a choice in some countries such as the United States of Am erica, yet it can also be abused, causing fat humans, who also choose to indulge without responsibility. Democracy is about choice, but with that choice comes responsibility.

Many a learned man believes that the elimination of poverty and hunger are a by-product of a more efficient civilization, which empowers its people through choice and liberty. They believe that ONE of the major goals of Democracy should be to stabilize a civilization to function efficiently for the whole, while respecting, tolerating and allowing the Liberty of the Individual. In fact; I am they, I am with them, if they will come and see what the world has to offer if they will make a stand now.

I believe it so strongly, I am proud to be an American. Others should follow what we have built here. I believe we should better what we have built, improve efficiencies and further streamline it and bring it closer to its original roots without denying its faults or problems; sweeping nothing under the carpet. Then utilizing all the modern technologies available, seek perfection in every regard and then franchise this self-government method around the Planet to all. That is what I think. My name is Lance Winslow and thanks for asking. Tell me what you think of my observations here in the present period?

Lance Winslow

Author:: Lance Winslow
Keywords:: Lived in Despair, Freedom, Individual, Unhappy, Fought
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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